Ch. 6: Graduation

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ScarlettPOV.: "OH MY FREAKING GOD!!! YOU TWO ARE AN ACTUAL COUPLE?!?! AS IN NOT A ONE TIME THING?!?!" Anna-Marie squealed. I nodded. "OMG OMG OMG!!!" She squealed. "Hey Red! My party's staring in, like, five minutes!!!" Thomas yelled from downstairs. Marie and I were at Tom's house, and I was in my bathing suit, with a red silk cloth wrapped around me like a dress. "Come on," Marie pulled me out.

As I ran down stairs. I saw Alex in her black and white bikini. "Hey Scar!" She yelled. I turn to see her. "The pool's great hun." She waved. "Oh, and Thomas is waiting for you outside." I nod.

As I enter the patio, I see Tom in the pool. (Sweet). I ran and summersaulted into the pool. I feel Tom pull me up. He pulls me closer, and whispers "You know Red, we could go somewhere... Private." And with that he kisses me in the lips, making me moan. "Come on," he swims to the stairs, and carries me inside. "Where are we going?" I ask, snuggling on his chest. "My room," he smirks. (Wait, are we going to...). He must have noticed my panic. " if you're not ready, we can do it another time," he says, opening the door to his basement. I've never been in there before. I shook my head. "Maybe another time." I mumbled. Shivering slightly. "Then, we shall wait, my Red Rose." He smirked. I looked around, and gasped. "You never told me you had an indoor pool!!!" I gasped. "Well Red, you're the first I told." He whispered into my ear. "Jump in," I plead. He rolled his eyes, but jumped in, with me in his arms. "I love you" I gasp. He pushed me to a corner of the pool and said "I love you too Red," and with that, we made out. In a pool.

•§~ THE END ~§•

In Love with My Best FriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon