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Please always participate and always follow along to his instructions.

what happened:

We were just in class one day and sir asked us a question. I, (Admin 2) didn't quite know the answer for the specific question that sir wanted us to answer. Long story short, he made us run in the court for about 10 laps. Trust me, it wasn't a pleasant experience at all.

Now to why he did this? He isn't quite fond of people that don't have the mindset to learn. Which makes sense. Who wouldn't be discouraged if their own class wouldn't even bother to participate and turn a cold shoulder?

And when you're a teacher who is passionate to teach. It is quite discouraging. So don't trace our footsteps.

And about following instructions? Follow them spotlessly. With rules such as to avoid bringing phones and such. Obey them. Sir might seem "boring" or "strict". But he just teaches us the right way on how to have fun. Give following instructions a shot won't ya?

ADVICE, TIPS, AND INFO FOR 6-AMIABLE 2019-2020 [IPSA]Where stories live. Discover now