Part 3: The Luna Park

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"Mom! it's almost 8 pm! we'll be late!!" 

" What's all this hurry? minute less minute more.."

" Because you already set a curfew and the more we waste here the less I'll be out!"

" Out? "

" C'mon mom.. you know what I mean, aren't you tired to have to stick around with me all the time? "

Mom looked thoughtful: " mm yeah you're right, guess we need to have some moments apart "

" Just some " I repeated sarcastically. 

We arrived late of course, and Alex was just waiting there without being fed up at all 

" Hey Sophie, good evening Ma'am " 

" Hi dear" my mom said and this time she looked like she was trusting him ..

" Soso I'll pick you here at 11 okay?" 

" yeah mother.." I said while she gave me a forehead kiss; I felt so embarassed and so childish in that moment, even if I noticed that Alex just watched the scene without laughing or thinking anything, or maybe he was too good at hiding emotions..

" So what d' you want to do first?" 

" mmm I dunno, maybe some shoots? " way to feel more like a lil kid, but he said " yeah why not? let's try to win some giant peluche ". 

It was a nice night out and slowly I was kinda having that feeling inside of me alone, a night out with a boy, which happened to me before when I dated but it was more like a cinema date, or hanging out with other friends, and I was kinda liking the idea of Alex buying me food or trying to making me laugh, just joking around, it made me feel completely comfortable in the situation and then I get why he decided to go out with me

" you must do this lot of times "

" what? shooting swans? " he said laughing 

" haha no, I mean hang out with other cast actors so to know better each other" 

he kinda blocked " Well.. I don't usually invite them to the Luna Park uhm, but let's say I use to do it yeah; I picked the luna park because I wanted to put some comfort zone for you, and besides if i invited you to dinner i would have find a little bit nervous eating with your mom attached between me and you at the table " 

He knew moms " hahahah yeah that would be her" 

" she's right to do it, they're moms, don't feel stressed because she sticks around so much, she does just bc she loves you "

" yeah i know, I won't " and I never saw it in that way before but he was totally right. 

" hey do you want to go to the Ferris wheel? " 

" uhm yeah sure! "

Usually when the wheel stops it's that moment when you feel in the air and couples make out, but it wasn't our case; I started to find interesting talking to him and see his point of view. We talked about everything and we found out we had lot in common. 

Time passed so fast that my mom texted me: " where are you????" and it was already 11.05 pm!

My mom kindly waved back when he went away and he put me a hand on the shoulder " hope you liked all the games around, have a good night we'll see you tomorrow " No kiss on the cheeck. That boy was very good with moms' behavior. 

" bye Alex thank you" .

The night has been normally nice and that was what I thought the entire night, until when I came back to the hotel and I closed the bedroom door behind me I stared behind it, with a stupid smile on my face..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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