Nostalgic Memories-The First Part

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The building seemed abandoned sorrounded by imposing structures actually looked like a place,junkies would want for a quick fix.

The occupant wasn't disturbed by this,in fact it offered him a vantage point over the city's horizon.

His mind kept drifting back and forth,"why was he here this point in century,why didn't his plan go through".

Rhetorical questions they were since no one could answer him.

He slowly drifted to the past,bullets and dynamite bombs exploding,the Quicksilver were the only ones able to outmanoeuvre.

The alliance of the Arabs of the peninsula, coupled with the Alchemist was the worst battle nightmare.The soldiers were fighting with much more efficiency like machines.

The common folk with their battle axes and cannons could not match their superior weapons.To pierce through the crowds was a miracle,since they were at the front to cause distraction and give their side an advantage.

Distractions and confusion were the dirty new methods in war.The tower and garrisons,someone was pinpointing the Quicksilver location.Such a feat was almost impossible to humans.

One by one each fell to the bullets and bombs,as it slowly became apparent who were the winning side.Regrouping and defense were the only options left,Zerulda the only female warrior struggled fighting.

She kept seeing glimpses of Shantraz as he weaved,bouncing like a rabbit through the army,a distraction here,a destruction and chaos elsewhere.

"His temper is in full today,"she thought.Roaring in rage he neared Zerulda,extending out his  hand.
Time seemed to go in slow motion,Zerulda eyes widened and he thought it was a soldier behind and so he turned quickly.
Finding nothing he turned back to her and found her clutching her abdomen,a bullet had wound its way into her body.

Shantraz caught her before she fell,blood came out in spurts as he struggled to contain the bleeding.He half carried and Run with her to someplace away from the battlefield.

"How I wished I told you much I loved you since childhood",he said while tending her wounds.

"I always knew,"she said kissing him full on the lips.

"The moment those soldiers know we have escaped and not dead,they will be upon us"."Go save yourself you are the last one".

"I won't leave you",pain and tears welled in his body knowing well she was correct,and only one could survive.

He painfully closed his eyes as the spells came to his mouth breaking into a run,the protection and time freeze incantation activated by his speed.

He ran into the battlefield which was ridden with bodies, trying to put much distance behind him.

A biting chilling cold engulfed his body,as arrows and bullets zoomed past him dodging them so perfectly.
The frost climbed up his body,as his body become rigid finally coming to a stop.

The bloodthirsty merciless soldiers were finishing off,those who refused to pledge their loyalty to the conquerors.
The leader having been informed of Shantraz escape,barked an order to the soldiers.
Last thing he saw as the soldiers ran to his rigid body,was the blood red sunset as he was engulfed.

Shantraz had become a mass of ice,which surprisingly started to glow from bright white to red.

The soldiers become dazed by the phenomenon,they didn't notice cracks growing as the mass of ice suddenly exploded.

The soldiers were thrown by the impact,as the fragments hovered in the air,in a circular motion awaiting something.

The last rays of the sun sadly caressed the blood soaken earth,they fell upon the pieces reflecting each other, shining in a amazing kaleidoscope of colours.

The biggest fragment close to the earth absorbed the lights,as the sunray faded slowly,each fragment disappeared into an impossible destination

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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