Chapter 1: Haunted

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         Jancy walked home slowly, dread filled her as she knew she'd have to step back into her apartment. She used to love her apartment, but recently strange things have been going on. Jancy tried to make every logical excuse for not wanting to be home other than 'My apartment is haunted'. If she said something like that people would think she was crazy, and she wasn't crazy, she just wanted to avoid being home.

     She slowly approached the small apartment building, sighing, she stepped inside and walked over to the mail boxes on the wall. Opening the small metal box, she grabbed the stack of papers and sifted through them. Mostly junk. She closed the box, and locked it, than slowly trudged over to the elevator.

   Jancy pressed the button for the doors to open, hoping the elavator was out of order. To her dismay, the doors opened almost immediately, she huffed than stepped into the moving box, pressing the number 4 button and leaning against the wall. She was quite happy the elevator was old and slow, it would be a good 3 minutes of her preparing herself for her apartment. She was also pleased that she didn't have any homework, it being a friday, but she soon realized that not having any homework would basically not be a distraction from the creepy things going on in her home.

   The doors opened with a creak, she stepped out and sighed, before turning down the hall. Stopping in front of the door, she sighed one final time, than placed the key in the lock, twisting it, than turning the doorknob and opening the door. The familiar smell of scented air freshener calmed her nerves a bit. She stepped inside, taking her shoes off and placing them on a rack, than walking over to her room and setting her backpack into a rocking chair. Stepping over to her dresser, she opened a drawer and found a pair of comfy pajama shorts and tossed them onto her bed. Than, she opened another drawer, grabbing a baggy t-shirt, which had a picture of a lemon with a face. She quickly changed into her new comfier clothes and walked back into her living room. She sat down on the old, floral patterned couch and grabbed the remote to her tv. She turned it on, channel surfing for a bit before letting it rest on some old romance movies. She relaxed, trying to let the stress of the school day melt away, but she couldn't help shake the feeling of being watched.

  As if something had read her mind, a small vase containing some flowers flew across the room. When she heard the crash of the case she let out a small squeal, she then slowly walked over to where it has landed, dirt covered her carpet. She wasn't to worried about cleaning it up as much as she was worried about the fact it flew across the room. While distracted by the flower vase, she heard different sounds from her tv. Turning around she saw the channels being repeatedly changed, flipping through them faster than she'd ever seen before. The light in her living room burst, this time instead of just squealing she full on screamed. Then everything stopped. She stood there in total darkness, her heart beating out of control as she waited for something else to happen. After about five minutes she began to think of what she could possibly do, she kept trying to think of something, then it hit her. Two of those boys that everyone says ghost hunt live in this building. She knew one of them lived in the basement apartment. Like that, she ran over to the counter where her grandmother kept the spare keycard, and three open her apartment door, and ran down the hall. All of this time while being bare foot and not haveing closed the door, but she had more important issues to focus on. She pressed the button a total of 6 times before the door opened, she hopped in, swirling around and swiping the keycard for the basement. The doors closed, and it felt like the elevator has gone faster than it used to. After the doors opened again she ran into the laundry room part of the basement, scanning around for an apartment door. When her eyes landed on it she practically threw herself at the door.

  She knocked with a sense of urgency. After waiting about a minute she knocked again, this time louder. This must have caught someones attention, because the door opened. Lisa, the apartments care taker looked down at Jancy, first with confusion because of her appearance, than she smiled.
"How can I help you Jancy?", Lisa asked.
"Hey your son and his friends do that ghost hunting thing right?"

"Well they do, but they don't tell me much."

"Is he here?"



"Yes he is, just that door over there hun."

"Thank you!", Jancy practically yelled, she swiftly ducked past Lisa and knocked on Larry's door. The door opened and the taller boy looked down in confusion. It wasn't a common occurrence that one of the more popular people in school knocked on his door.
"Uh, can I help you?", he asked.

"I need your help."

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