Evenstar - An Ode to Arwen

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Yes, this piece was already published on my profile as its own work, but I moved it to this collection so my profile wouldn't be so cluttered. ^.^ 

Arwen Undómiel
Evenstar of Rivendell;
Still we sing of thy beauty,
Now known beyond the Seas.
Fairest elleth that e'er breathed
Save Lúthien whose heir are ye.
Ebony tresses, dark as night,
Grey eyes that shone with starlight;
A high brow in which did shine
The wisdom that belongs to all your kind.
A fair fey into whose beaut'ous snare
Did fall a mortal, Isildur's heir:
A man, yet a boy, wand'ring in exile,
A fugitive, alone, living in the wild.
Who, though lost, became found;
At the sight of thee, he made no sound;
His heart found joy in life again.
Try as he might, it was in vain
To try to kill the love that there grew.
It was foolishness to try, that he knew.
Nor did he wish to remove the memory
That he would remember eternally:
The sight of your loveliness shining
Into the darkness of his soul empty
Filling it again with beaut'ous light,
Banishing the darkness of deepest night.
Oh fair-eyed daughter of the Noldor,
Elrond and Celebrían's daughter!
Oh daughter of Celebrían,
Yet heir of Lúthien,
You shared her fate:
Never to enter Valinor's gate;
Doomed to die a mortal's death,
Struggling to breathe life's final breath.
Dying alone, far from home,
For you left everything to roam;
Searching for him you loved above all,
To whom you gave your love, a gift not small.
Broken of heart, no will to live,
Bereft of anything left to give.
You once, long ago, had strength enough,
To defy the Dark Lord and save him you loved.
But now there is nothing left,
Only bitterness and death,
For you choose a mortal life;
Alas, we mourn for her who died.
Great was your beauty in days of old,
When the world was young, shining, gold,
Before the Darkness came again,
Filling our hearts with tremendous pain,
Taking from us that which we loved:
The Evenstar, our belov'd.
The fairest in this age and day
Of your beauty still the tales do say
Was of such greatness to be likened
Unto Lúthien's beauty striking,
Fairest that shall ever be
That lived between the Seas.
Ai, Evenstar! Of thee still we sing
And hope the fates and Valar shall bring
You once again to us, your people;
Your loss has pierced us like a sharp needle.
Yet though we grieve for what has been,
We look forward the day we'll see thee again
Which will not come to pass for many years
In which are filled with pain and tears.
So we shall wait until the End.
Then we shall see thee again,
Oh Arwen Undómiel,
Evenstar of Rivendell!

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