Out goes my back

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Mordecai frowned, "Dude, its probably all this heat..." Rigby was growing pale with no clue why he looked down at his feet. "Yeah, maybe..." He agreed fast so he doesn't catch on to him being sad. Mordecai looked down at his little friend hoping he would be alright. He drove in the parking lot of the Grocery store. Stopping the cart in front of the place, he shut the engine off before getting out. Rigby got out feeling a little dizzy before walking into the store as Mordecai followed. "Is this better, theres air conditioning in here...?" Rigby nodded. They walked around getting all the food off the list. Mordecai's back was aching by the end of the shopping. Rigby's short legs hurt as well, finally they were at the register but there was a long line. Rigby groaned as the line barely grew shorter. Mordecai's back hurt but he felt bad for Rigby he picked him up and put him on his back. Rigby smiled as he sat on his back. Mordecai sweated as his back ached.

Time passed, they paid and were pushing the grocery cart out to the golf cart. Mordecai pulled Rigby off his back sitting him in the cart, Rigby had fallen asleep so he buckled him in. Mordecai groaned loudly holding his back he felt miserable. Mordecai put the groceries in the cart and got in himself starting up the cart. He was in pain and hunched over he frowned as he drove to The Park. He turned into The Park after driving a long time. He packed the groceries in yawning a little then he grabbed rigby carrying him upstairs. Mordecai laid him in his bed thinking tonight he can sleep in my bed. He walked back downstairs and into the kitchen. Where he began putting the groceries away, there was a calm and small knock at the door. He finished putting them away and hobbled to the door. Mordecai opened the door, it was Maragret she was smiling but frowned as she looked at him. "Oh baby... Are you feeling okay?" He shook his head, "No not really..." Maragret was so worried she walked him over sitting him on the couch. "I have to be honest with you, I had come over to yell at you... For not calling me back... I see you have a reason..." Mordecai frowned, "Listen, I am so sorry baby... I am in so much pain..." She frowned, "I know, you need to be in bed... If you want I don't have to work tomorrow... I could stay the night with you and take care of you..." Mordecai groaned, "Awh, man I have to work tomorrow..." He said with sadness in his voice. "How about I do your job for you? You know so Benson doesn't get angry." Mordecai smiled brightly, "You would do that for me?" She kissed him, "Of course, babe."

A few minutes later, she helped him upstairs and laid him in his bed. Mordecai smiled, "Thank you, don't mind Rigby... We have had a super long day and I was letting him sleep up here tonight." She smiled, "Thats fine, I will be downstairs on the couch if you need me... Text me baby. I am so worried about you... I hope you don't hurt and that you will be able to sleep..." She said with concern in her voice. Mordecai smiled, "Thanks for everything, you are so sweet baby. I hope you sleep well too!" She smiled at him, "Goodnight, Mordecai!" "Goodnight Maragrat!"

It was 2 in the middle of the night, when Mordecai began crying in his sleep. The pain was on real bad he felt it all over. Rigby frowned feeling sweat for Mordecai and hearing him waking up. He turned to the nightstand turning the lamp on seeing Mordecai. "Mordecai, Mordecai?" Mordecai was panting and dripping with sweat, "Ow...." He groaned. Rigby frowned, "Whats wrong, dude?!? You are like super sweaty..." He noticed he was crying, "Mordecai, are you okay?" Mordecai frowned, "Yeah, just in so much pain... My body is aching so bad..." Rigby was really worried about his friend, "This is my fault..." Moredcai looked at him in confusion,  "Why would you think that, Rigby?" Rigby frowned, "You carried me all day, you carried the groceries in all by yourself, and I bet you even put them all away.... Didn't you?" Mordecai frowned, "Yeah, I did... But you were sleeping, I didn't want to wake you... Then Maragret showed up and I-" Before Mordecai couldn't finish his sentence before Rigby grew angery muttering again, "Of course she did! Of everyone in the world, let me guess..." He stopped realizing he was saying all that out loud.

Thanks for reading Chapter 2! Writing the next one now, hope you enjoy! ❤ Comment!

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