🗿Super Smashanronpa?🗿

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(woa ok so i had a dream and it was where the whole SSBU characters were in a Danganronpa type of thing. Yknow, the killing game? And for some reason my recent emotional attachment to the Earthbound/Mother series cast made a pretty big role here sooooooooo WHY NOT MAKE IT A STORY?! Please excuse anything bad which will be everything since im bad at writing uwu' also i might mostly write at night so im mostly TIRED! Also if the characters actions are a little bit off i probably just went SICKO MODE and just let my mind do what it thinks so yea... PLEASE ENJOY READING!!)
3rd POV
It was nearing the end of the trial and everyone had the thought of who the killer of Popo's sister, Nana was. Popo was standing on his pillar which was right next to Nana's. (sure lets say they have their own spots) Everyone was separated into their own individual series, but still close to eachother so they can yell or whatever. The boy named Lucas felt very uncomfortable in the situation he was in right now. Everyone, excluding Ness, suspected him as the blackened. "Im telling you all right now. Lucas is the one who killed her!" Dark Pit argued. "He has been awfully quiet this whole trial..." Link added.
"Ness..." Lucas said in a whisper-like tone. Ness turned his head toward the blond, "What is it Lucas?" the room went silent, waiting for his response
"Its ok Ness... They're right..." Lucas looked at the floor in defeat. "Im the one who killed Nana..." Ness looked at him in disbelief. "N-No... You couldn't have-" "HOW COULD YOU!" Ness was cut off by the blue coated climber.
"HOW COULD YOU KILL MY SISTER IN COLD BLOOD!! WHAT IN THAT SICK MIND OF YOURS COULD YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING?!" Popo yelled at Lucas from across the room. Everyone was silent until quiet sobs were heard. The sound of the sobs came from two sides, one from Popo, and the other from Lucas. Everyone mostly stared at Lucas in either disgust, hatred, or pitty.
"Popo I..." Lucas started at a quiet volume, "I-I know how it feels... to lose a s-sibling you love s-so much..." Lucas wanted to cry, "IM SORRY IM MAKING YOU FEEL THIS WAY!" Lucas shouted while gripping on the bar infront of him, his eyes closed shut.
Everyone was silent. The room was silent. Everyone just stared at Lucas. Lucas' body started to shake, he looked like he could collapse at any second. The sound of Popo's voice cut through the silence, "Why... Why did you do it..."
"I... I-I did it because-" "YAAAWWWWNNN" Lucas was cut off by the master hand. "Save all that sorrow for later will ya? IIIITTS VOTING TIME!!" "NO WAIT-" but it was already too late. The raven haired boy was cut off by the voting screen. Ness couldn't muster up the courage to vote on his best friend, so he voted for himself. Lucas on the other hand had accepted his fate and voted for himself, knowing what was gonna happen anyway.
"Alright bois let's see what we have here- OH LOOK WHAT A SURPRISE!! The person who was voted as the blackened is no other than... LUCAS!!" master hand announced.
Everyone was allowed to leave their assigned pillar, but not the room itself. "Alright spill it. Why did you do it?" Wolf said as he approached Lucas. "Now Now, lets not be too rough. We dont want another death to happen now would we?" Rosalina said to Wolf. "Tch..." was all Wolf said before he backed off.
Still shaking, Lucas slowly walked away from everyone. Ness tried to stop Lucas from going away. "Lucas wait-" he reached his hand out to Lucas before it was slapped away. Ness looked at Lucas with a hurt expression on his face, "Ness, stay away from me. Im a monster..." "Lucas you're not a mons-" "YES I AM NESS!"
After the blond realized what he did his face softened and he looked at his hands. Lucas fell to the floor and put his hands up to his head, "oh my god... what have i become?!" Lucas started to shake more than before and started to panic while mumbling inaudible words to himself. Due to instinct, Ness tried to calm him down while everyone else just watched.
After Lucas had calmed down a bit, Popo walked up to him and said, "Please... Tell me why you did it." Lucas was quiet for a second, but then continued to explain what had happened.
The boy named Lucas took a deep breath to tell the room what had happened. "If you wish to know then... I'll tell you." Lucas stood up from his knees with the help of Ness. "It was around midnight and i had woken up from my sleep. I know it was against the rules to be out at night but something gave me a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen if i didn't go. I walk outside of my room and look around the mansion for a little bit. As i was walking though, i saw a light on in a room. As i approach the door i open it slowly so that way i couldn't make any noise. What i saw is what i would've never imagined. It was Nana, and infront of her were ideas and different ways on killing the person i care about the most... It was you, Ness." Lucas looks at Ness' direction to see a shocked expression on his face.
"Wh-What? Nana wouldn't even think about killing someone!" Popo said in disbelief. "Well, thats what i saw." Lucas said, continuing his story. "I dont know what had gotten into me. I had the sudden urge to stop her at any cost, i didnt want her to hurt anyone, when really... I should've been the one holding myself back..."
The room went silent for a moment before Lucas continued with his confession. "Without realizing what i was doing, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife without hesitation and before i knew it... I was there... I looked at my hands only to see a knife colored with blood. I-I didnt realize what i did until i did it, and now because of m-me shes..." Lucas started to shake again, eyes tearing up, "I dropped the knife and looked at her body in regret. I looked at the board with the plans on it. I didnt want to see nor read what was on there, so i tore it all down and i started to panic. I had no idea what to do anymore. I was lost, I gave up entirely. I knew what was coming for me once i fully took in what had happened. Either it must've been an instinct or something but i started to try and hide any evidence that it was me who killed her. It even got to the point where i tried to frame Villager for the murder!" Villager came out of the croud with a saddened look on his face, which is rare.
"I-I... Im such a disgrace to my family! They wouldn't want someone like m-me in the family! Look at who ive turned out to be! Nobody wants a killer in their family!" Lucas tried his best not to cry but a few tears escaped from his eyes.
"L-Lucas..." Ness walked up to Lucas and put his hand out. Lucas stared at Ness and tackle him into a hug and started to ball his eyes out.
"I-I don't wanna go, N-Ness! I d-dont wanna die y-yet! T-Theres still s-so much i haven't s-seen yet! Ness, p-please dont let me go!" Ness was taken back by the sudden words and hug and not much longer after, he too started to cry.
"I-I dont want you to go either, Lucas!" the sight of the two boys being emotional brung sadness toward the other fighters. Some started to tear up.
"Alright alright i think thats enough of that sad stuff. NOW LETS GET TO THE FUN STUFF!!" master hand rudely interrupts the moment. Lucas gets off of Ness, "*sniff* W-What kind of f-fun stuff?" the smol child asks.
"Why the EXECUTION OF COURSE!" master hand announced with enthusiasm. "WAIT-" both Lucas and Ness yelled in unison, but it was already too late. A chain suddenly got attached to Lucas' ankle and started to drag him away. Both Lucas and Ness reach out for eachothers hand, only to grab nothing but air.

The boy named Lucas killed to protect...

The boy named Lucas was voted the Blackened...

The boy named Lucas got dragged away...

The boy named Lucas got executed...

The boy named Lucas is with his family...

The boy named Lucas...

The boy named Lucas...

The boy named Lucas...

The boy named Ness is happy his friend has reunited with his family...


Thank you for reading whoever you are (if someone does read this) and thanks for getting this far in the story uwu have a good day/night!

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