Chapter 3

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Will ended up staying overnight in my room last night. ( Dont think that! We didn't do anything dirty! We just talked. ) All in all, it was a great night. We discussed a lot when and how we're gonna tell our friends and the viewers. We were thinking maybe the last day of PAX, we'll all go to chipotle or something and we'll announce the news when were there.

To be honest, I haven't been happier. Will likes me back. Im at PAX with a bunch of my friends. Im meeting a bunch of my fans. Really, life couldn't be better for me right now. I really like Will. Maybe, even love him.


We were all getting ready to go to the cube meetup. Will had left earlier to go to the cube house. i stayed and said I'd meet him there after i would have a shower. I pulled on some black skinny jeans and a hoodie and went out the door.

When I finally got to the cube house, everyone one was piling into the mini-bus cab thing. The only person missing was will. I offered to go get him just because i wanted to quickly talk to him. I went inside, found will and kissed him straight away without even thinking. I was ready to say it. I had built up the the courage to finally say my true feelings.

Me : I love you, Will.

Will : I love you too, Jordan.

We walked out of the cube house, acting as if nothing had happened... Except we both had huge grins on our faces.


Wasnt that ending just so adorable?!?! another chapter will be out tommorow. I know these chapters have been short but, all my ideas for stories come late at night so im always tired when its time to write them! I'll try to write one earlier tommorow so that it'll be a little bit longer! 😃


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