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Hey guys! As most of you probably already know, I'm going to be doing a Q&A with the questions you guys asked so yeah! Hope you enjoy this little update! ( double update ) 😋
Q : What's your favourite colour?
A : Light baby blue or a very very VERY light pink :)
Q : How old are you?
A : I'm 12, almost 13. And yes, I am in high school because I live in such a small community that there is only an elementary school ( grades 0 to 6 ) and a high school ( grades 7 to 12. )
Q : Can we be best friends?
Q : How are you atm?
A : I'm pretty tired since it's like 1 am right now but, except for that, I'm doing pretty great!
Q : What country do you live in?
A : I'm Canadian, eh? Lol
Q : Do you have Instagram?
A : Yes, I actually just got it today! :) you can follow me! My username is MailletChloe27
Q : Who's your fav youtuber?
A : Ooooo! That's a hard one! Probably split evenly between Graser10CPMCYTPOP and Bayanidood! 😋
Q : Who do you ship the most?
A : My favourite ship to write about is Kiani but, my favourite ship of all time would have to be Gbomb because they're both so great! ☺️
So, know you know a little more about me! :) When we hit 2K reads, I'm thinking of doing a contest! No details yet but, leave a comment giving me ideas for what to do! Vote for more chapters! Love you guys! ❤️

#Kiani is love, Kiani is lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon