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Chapter 11 - Decision

A few days have passed and we haven't received any summons from BigHit. Jess PDnim also haven't informed us of our next move. She just assured me that things will only get better from here on. However, I am not convinced.

"Your forehead's creased again." Choonhee teased. Why is she so observant?
"It's nothing."
"So there is something. What's goin on in your head now, worrywart?" She just knows me too much. Sometimes I hate it. I just lifted my right hand to show her what's been bothering me.
"They haven't called yet?" She knew the answer to that question cause I've been updating her everyday. The long sigh I gave her was just a stamp to the obvious.
"I don't know. I guess I'm just worrying too much. It's been days and I've been feeling weaker since I got the chance to be close to him." I hate to admit it but that's the truth. I'm starting to crave for that energy rush, for that warm feeling. For him.
"Just like what you told me before. You just need to trust PDnim. I'm sure both companies are doing their best to figure out the easiest way for both of you to live." She has a point.

I mean, it wasn't an explicit agreement but I think both me and sunbae wanted to be prepared for our life bond. I know nothing can prepare anyone for such a change but the situation calls for utmost care. The world is watching BTS right now and I'm sure BigHit can't afford any detractors. I wouldn't want to cause their downfall too. The sunbaes worked so hard to become the worldwide superstars they are now.

"I just hope he's okay. I haven't been having my blackouts but I can't say the same for him." I know they would have the best physicians but if I've been feeling the drain, I can only guess the same for him.
"Don't worry too much Jungie. I'm sure he's fine but you haven't told me..." Choonhee raised her eyebrows at me and I remembered I promised her this visit so we can talk about her bias. "How was he?"
"You sound like a pervert Choonhee." And she slapped me hard on the arm.
"Yah! I mean, how was he as a person?" Her cheeks were so red I just had to laugh. "Stop it!"
"Okay! Okay! But well..."
"I can't say that all my observations are true. It may just be the soulmate thing so take that into consideration." She just nodded her head so fast, a crazy smile on her lips.

But I can't really be unbiased can I? If I think about it, how did that day go for us?

For one, he really noticed the smallest of things. What else would've prompted him to stop the car? He's caring and ever so gentle. His hands felt quite  rough on my skin but they were like feathers on my arm and shoulder. And his voice, that deep timbre of his. Like a deep cave inviting you to explore it. If I hadn't been too distracted by my thoughts, I would've been completely mesmerized. His eyes. Those deep black orbs that give out way too much. He may have been able to control his reactions but his eyes always told me something else. I'm quite sure there's a maze inside his head. Where else would his lyrics come from?

"How are you even alive Jungie?" Choonhee said in excitement as I told her about our time at the cafe.
"Well, to be fair to me, I was almost killed by a truck. And you don't seem too concerned about that." She just laughed at me.
"You know I love you, right? I can see you whenever I want to but seeing Min Yoongi... that's rare! I'm jealous. I wish I can switch places with you." I know I shouldn't be frustrated but I am.

She clearly didn't understand the effects of having a soulmate. I can already feel it. I've had a taste of the actual transmutation and it wasn't even the full effect since we're not bonded yet. Food has started to taste bland if not unbearable. I needed alarms on my phone to remind me to eat cause I don't really feel hungry. But no matter how much I eat, it has little to no effect and it's scary. I love food and who doesn't? Add to that, I started having this want to go to BigHit or wherever he is just so I can touch him. Is this how it's going to be from now on? How much would I need him? What scares me most is me being the exact same people that I hate.

Between Virgo and Pisces // Yoongi And Namjoon FicWhere stories live. Discover now