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V for Vendetta

Jade opened her eyes. The morning light shone in from the window. The room bathed in light, a stillness rested over it. Besides her the tranquil body of Cutler Beckett lied. His face were directed at her way. Once again he reminded her of a statute, his face could have been carved out from white, cold stone. She felt a desire to reach out and touch his cheek. Something held her back, his skin looked frigid. Maybe his face would crack if she touched it, shatter into a million small pieces, like he was made of glass or porcelain. Suddenly the statute opened their eyes, and the greyness of Beckett's eyes watched her back. 

"Good morning, Miss Lockhart"

Jade felt how her cheeks flushed, as she tried to hide it in the pillow. Beckett rubbed his eyes.

"Davy Jones heart won't give you the power you think it will", she answered. "pirates don't play by the same rules that you do"

"I'm well aware of what rules pirates play by. Unfortunately for you, they will soon realize they won't stand against my fleet very long"

"You won't be able to kill all pirates, don't you see that? If you kill one enemy, you will have two more enemies", Jade said as she sat up in the bed. "If will never stop. Why don't you kill me already? One gone of all thousands pirates on the sea. It's a start."

Beckett rose from the bed, walking to the desk. "Killing you would only cost me information of use"

"Is that what you were telling yourself last night?"

He turned around, now he wore the white wig again. His eyes were avoiding. Was it all in her head, or was it a faint redness that covered Beckett's cheeks. She rose from the bed, dragging her dress closer to her body. "Has the lord fallen in love with a pirate?"

Now he couldn't even meet her eyes. "Don't be absurd", he spoke quietly.

"You're a coward", she threw at him. "How you going to face a thousands pirates if you can't even face your own feelings?" She left his bedchamber.


"If we sail toward Brigard Bay, my Lord. Will have the shelter from the open see by three islands. Cuba, Isla Per-"

"You will be stuck by three islands, it will slow you down. Making you much easier to see.", Jade interrupted as she walked in neared the map on the table, the two men where observing. "It's better if you sail to Deadman's Trought", she ran her finger down the the left. "Getting you out on open water, far away from both the enemies eyes and fire"

"Do you think we will listen to your attempts to mislead us, pirate?", Mercer continued but Beckett broke in. "She's right, it would give us the advantage"

He ran his eyes over the open waters of Deadman's Trough, concentration shining in his face. Jade saw how Mercer seemed more and more displeased with the situation.  "but, my Lord. Do you trust the advices her more than of your loyal servant?", he looked with disgust at her where she stood next to Beckett.

"I will hear both of your advances, than decides myself who I chose to listen to.", Beckett began. "And at this matter, it occurs that Miss Lockhart has more experience." 

Mr Mercer walking inside Beckett's mansion, with two men following him. Miss Goodwright surpisingly greeted them in the hallway. "Mr mercer, gentlemen...", she nodded at the three men. "I'm afraid Lord Beckett isn't home for the moment."

Bittersweet | Cutler BeckettWhere stories live. Discover now