[6] Finale.

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Shawn spit out his toothpaste in the sink, calloused hands moving to wash his mouth out. When he was done he stood up straight again, looking into the open medicine cabinet. He carried out his usual routine of popping open his medication and quickly swallowing it down, and then he was shutting the cabinet again, coming face to face with the man in the mirror.

He'd definitely looked better. His restless nights left him with deep bags and his scars from the "rescue mission" still hadn't fully recovered, leaving him a lot less pretty than he was before. The fine lines of his face told of his story— Told of his life now, without Y/N.

His bare feet scuffled against his carpet, carefully skipping over the Chinese carry-out and pizza boxes littering his floor. He sauntered over to his coffee table the best he could, plopping down on his couch and sighing as he ran his hands over his tired face.

It seemed it was another one of those days.

One of those days where all Shawn could do was sit around, watch horrible sitcoms, and call Josh, who'd reconnected with Shawn shortly after his own release. Leaving the house was barely an option anymore unless he was going out to get food, and as much as he tried to convince himself that he liked this new quiet life away from murder, crime, and injustice, he always knew that something was missing.

Shawn couldn't remember the last time he'd slept peacefully. He felt as if his other half had been ripped from his soul, and he often downplayed this feeling, reminding himself that he only really knew Y/N for nearly four months. But deep down, he knew that he wasn't crazy.

When he was released from the government's hands after being cleared of threat, he wasn't allowed to touch Y/N with a ten-foot pole. He'd been forced to cut off any and all interaction he had with her, but that didn't stop him from keeping up with her in the least bit. Every news station, every website, and every newspaper he could scan, he did in hopes of following Y/N's story and her recovery.

She seemed to be doing well. Within the first month she was released from the hospital, spending most of her time with her uncle Ryan. He helped her feel more at home despite the shitty situation, got her therapy, and was there for her through everything. Through her speeches, he was always right behind her. It made him happy that even if it couldn't be Shawn, she had a support system nonetheless.

But he couldn't lie; He was miserable without her.

He supposed that was the price of love; Constantly worrying about what the other person is doing, if they were taking care of themselves, or wondering if they're thinking about the other too. This new feeling was overwhelming, and at times he found it hard to cope, but he didn't regret a second of what had happened.

It was a Sunday morning just like any other when Y/N came to him.

When he opened the door, he wasn't sure if he was seeing things correctly or not. Maybe he'd consumed too much media about her and was hallucinating, but when she let out that sweet little giggle upon seeing the shock on his face, he knew that this was all too real.

She was wearing a yellow sun dress that accentuated her skin tone, her face beaming with happiness. It almost felt criminal to be in her presence in that moment, especially when he was halfway through shaving, his cheeks turning a bright pink in embarrassment. She was absolutely stunning, just as she was the last time he saw her.

"Y-You were supposed to let me come to you." Was all Shawn could muster, his mouth agape in disbelief, resembling that of a fish.

She laughed and nodded, glancing down at her heeled feet. "Nice to see you too. May I come in?"

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