Chapter 7

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I pull my earbuds out and wrap them around my phone. I put my phone into my sweatshirt pocket. Why didn't Pepper tell to wear something more presentable. Everyone was in nice clothes and had makeup and their hair done. I just had a gross stained sweatshirt, no makeup, sweatpants, and my hair was in a messy bun.

I hear Obadiah practically yell, because of the screaming fans, "Look at this." He opens the car door for my father. My father steps out wiping his face. At least my father looked worse than me. "Tony," Obadiah says as he pulls my father in for a hug. He says something else that I don't quiet make out.

I take a deep breath and open my door. I step out into the bright light of the outside world. Ew. I only like being outside if it's night time or raining. I squint my eyes as they adjust to the brightness. Happy runs around with the bag of cheeseburgers. Dad reaches in and grabs one. "Did you get me one of those?" Obadiah asks. "There's only one left. I need it," my father responds. They start walking and I have to practically run to catch up. 

I walk besides Pepper as we walk up the steps and into the building. Pepper stops just before the black rope? Or whatever you call it. I stand next to her. "You should have told me to dress in something better," I whisper to her. "Would you have actually worn something better?" she asks me. "Probably not" I respond. 

"Miss Potts?" someone out of nowhere questions from the other side of Pepper. I jump a little. Where did that man come from. I notice Pepper jump to but turn to look at him, "Yes." "Can I speak to you for a moment, or Miss Stark over here?" he questions nodding his head towards me. "I'm not part of the press conference and neither is she but it's about to begin right now," Pepper replies kindly. 

"I'm not a reporter. I'm agent Phil Coulson, with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division," he says. "That's quite a mouthful," Pepper replies softly. "Yeah how long did it take you to memorize that?" I ask almost above a whisper. People normally didn't like when I interrupted their conversations *cough* anyone in existence *cough*. Agent Coulson heard me still. He chuckled, "A long time, but we're working on it." He hands Pepper AND me a business card. I take it and smile at him kindly before stuffing it in my pocket.

"You know, we've been approached already by the DOD, the FBI, the CIA..." Pepper says before getting cut off. "We're a separate division with a more specific focus," Coulson cuts Pepper off quickly. "We need to debrief Mr. Stark about the circumstances of his escape," he continues. "I'll put something in the book, shall I?" Pepper asks. "Thank you," Coulson says as he starts to walk off. He gives me one more smile before turning and leaving.

Obadiah starts the press conference, "Uh-" Dad is sitting in front of the pedestal, " Hey would it be all right if everyone sat down? Why don't you just sit down? That way you can see me, and I can." I give Pepper a weird look but we both sit down with the rest of the reporters. "A little less formal and..." Dad trails off. "What's up with the love-in?" Rhodey asks me as he bends down. "Do you think I know why he does half the shit he does?" I ask him. Rhodey just shakes his head.

Obadiah is sitting next to my father and they mumble something to each other. "I never got to say goodbye to my dad," dad says more to Obadiah. "I never got to say goodbye to my father," he speaks louder and towards the reporters. He pauses for awhile while he eats his cheeseburger. "There's questions I would have asked him. I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did," my father continues. He pauses again, "If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels," he continues. A sort of sadness fills my heart. My dad never spoke of my grandfather. He continues, "I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability," he finishes. The reporters all start saying my father's name trying to ask him a question.

My father looks at one of the reporters and says, "Hey Ben." "What happened over there?" the reporter named Ben asked. "I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I have more," my dad replied while standing up and walking behind the podium, "to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International." 

Obadiah stood up to try and stop my father. The reporters exploded with questions and sound. I could hardly hear anything. I stand up quickly as well. What had my dad just done? I couldn't really hear what my father said next because of all the noise. (By the way I did this only because I am to lazy to write the rest of the commentary from the movie) Obadiah tried to take control of the situation, which he was not doing very well. Obadiah pushes my father off the stage and he walks to Pepper and me. I walk by his side and try to keep up to his brisk pace. "What the hell was that?" I whisper yell to him. "Hey language! And that was me putting the company in the right direction so when you run it you won't have my same legacy of killing people," my dad replies smoothly. "Who said I'm going to be running the company?" I snap at him. He stops abruptly and stares at me. "It's your right-" I cut him off, "My right? My damn right?! I have a right to have a dad that actually cared for me and could see when I was struggling or upset. But no, what I get is the great Tony Stark, an asshole, someone who doesn't give a shit about anyone else but himself. So you can't tell me what is and isn't my right. The ground was more of a father to me than you." 

I shove my way out of the building. He had no idea, no idea at all. I was in so much pain but how could I be when I didn't feel anything? It doesn't matter anyway. Paparazzi and reporters start to follow me and ask me questions. I push hard into the ground and start sprinting. Tears sting my eyes. I keep running and running. I don't recognize the streets anymore but I keep running. I just needed to get away, away from everything. Away from every single damn thing in this shithole of a life.

I make it to a public beach. It was full of people but maybe they wouldn't recognize me. I pull my hood up and try to hide my face the best I could. I kick my shoes off and rip my socks off. I start heading down onto the beach. I feel the sand in between my toes. It was warm. That warmth was such a familiar feeling but I couldn't figure out when I felt it.

I continue walking down the beach towards the ocean. I make it to where the sands gets wet and stop. A wave come crashing down and I feel the cool water hit my feet. It was cold but it was almost comforting all the same. I wonder if anyone will miss me.

I continue walking out into the ocean and soon the water is up to my stomach. I shiver but keep going. Soon I'm struggling to keep my head above the waves. I take another step forward but there isn't any sand. It was drop off. Goodbye my friends and family that I never had. I'm coming mom. I'm coming to see you. 

Everything was in like flashes. Me falling into the water. Salt water burning my eyes. Taking in breath but there being no air. Struggling to breath and get above the water. Sinking lower to the sea floor. Seeing a figure above. Blacking out.

A/n Yay! long chapter this was 1904 words not including this author note. Sorry it took me so long to write I kept getting distracted with other things like homework and food. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Please, please, please comment, I really want feedback on my writing and would like to know if my writing is any good. I hope you have a wonderful and a wonderful day tomorrow. Enjoy your lives. Love you all

Peace out!


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