Boyf Riends Backpack (Michael)

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The worst time in the world is 7 a.m. Monday mornings. They make me want to curl up in a hole and sleep the day away.

 I try to go back to sleep when my alarm starts going off, signaling it's time to get up. I sighed and reached for my phone and glasses. 30 minutes before I need to pick up Jeremy, I think as I walk into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, not even bothering to look in the mirror when I was done, knowing I would just see a mess staring back at me (same). I quickly get dressed in a shirt and jeans, not caring what I grab. I finally grab my signature hoodie. It's my favorite and I've had it for so long.

Jeremy gave it to me on my 13th birthday. Back then, I practically drowned in it, it was so big on me. He just laughed it off, saying I would grow into it eventually. 

Over the years, I have grown into it. I also added various patches to it. Some were from video games, others were just random ones that caught my eye. The only one I have that isn't on my hoodie is a bit more... colorful. It's been sitting in my desk for a year because I don't want people to ask me about it. 

So it's just gonna sit there for now.

I check the time and run out the door with my backpack, phone, and headphones. I jumped in my car and drove half a block to Jeremy's house.

When I got there, I didn't even bother knocking on the door, I just walked right in, yelling his name. 

"JEREMY!" I walked up to his room to see him sprawled on the bed. I tried shaking him awake. 

"Wake up, lazy ass. It's the first day of school." 

After a couple of seconds, I hear his tired voice groan out, "Noooo. Five more minutes."

 I shoved him some more. "No, we have to go to school."

 He still stayed under the covers. Suddenly, I had a great idea. 

I started walking to his bathroom. I looked back at him and asked, "Hey, are you thirsty?" He peeked out from underneath the blanket, looking confused.

"What?", he asked as I walked over to him with a cup of water. He looked up, reaching for the glass... and I turned it over and dumped it on his head. 

I started laughing as he let out a yell. He looked up at me, hair wet dripping onto his face. His eyes looked up at me with a look of betrayal. 

Once I calmed down enough to speak, he shoved me hard off the bed. "Why the fuck did you did that?" he asked. 

"Cause you wouldn't wake up," I said like it was obvious. I was to me at least. He threw a glare my way and started to get ready.

I waited for about 15 minutes in the living room, playing random games on my phone. He finally came out a striped shirt with his adorable, dorky cardigan over it. 

I couldn't help but stare at him. His curly hair, his bright blue eyes. In my eyes, he is perfect. I shake my head and think, Now's not the time for this.

 "We have like 20 minutes before we need to leave. Want to play a few rounds of Apocalypse of the Damned?" I asked. 

"Level 9?" He asked, a mischevious smile on his face.

 "Yep" I answered. We were quiet for a few more seconds and then we both yell out, "THE CAFETORIUM!" the excitement clear in our voices.

As we were trying to finish this level for the 50th time, I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked. He was concentrating and you could tell how focused he looked. He looked so serious. I didn't notice how long I had been staring at him until he asked, "Do I have something on my face or what?"

 I snapped out of it and tried to laugh it off like it was a joke. "Ohhhh, it was your face. I couldn't tell. I thought it was an ass. My mistake." He shoved me a bit and laughed.

 "Yeah, yeah. Are we gonna play or what asshat?" I grabbed my control and started playing as a response.

~~ Time skip brought to you by Rich's lisp ~~

We walked down to our lockers to put our stuff up. They weren't close to each other, unfortunately. I was about to start walking to history when I heard someone walk up behind me. 

I turned around and saw it was Rich. 

Rich didn't bother me usually. I didn't care what names he called me so he usually never bothered. The only opinions I cared about were the ones of the people I cared about. 

Like my Player Two.

Rich did bully Jeremy though. He tried to act like it didn't bother him but I knew it did. I could see the silent tears he shed when he stayed over. I pretended like I didn't know about them. So long story short, I didn't like Rich.

"What do you want?" I asked. I don't have time for this, I thought when I saw him grab something out from his pocket.

"Nothing much," he said with a wicked smile. "Just gonna redecorate." He pulled his hand out of his pocket and showed me a Sharpie.

I scoffed when I saw it. "What are you gonna do? Draw a mustache on me? Real mature." He just glared at me and grabbed my backpack from my hands.

"Hey!" I protested but it fell on deaf ears. He scribbled something on it and shoved it toward me. 

"Don't even think about washing it off, Mell." He walked off to his class, leaving me alone in the hall.

I walked down the hall to history and look at what he had written on my bag. Riends? What does that even mean? I thought as I took a seat next to Jeremy. He started smiling as he greeted me. 

"Twere's my fawite pewson," he said, smile widening as he looked at the blush appearing on my cheeks. 

He then saw my backpack and grabbed it. "Did Rich write this?" He questioned. I nodded.

His eyes widened and he gave my bag back to me. He grabbed his off the ground and showed it to me. Boyf was written across the top in black marker. 

It took me a second but I finally realized what word the bags spelled out. I started to blush but turned my head so he wouldn't see. He put his bag down and muttered "I hate this school," under his breath. The need to punch Rich was growing by the second. 

I kept on thinking about it when all of a sudden we hear (Heere, heh) the loudspeaker go off. "Jeremy Heere to the Principal's office. Jeremy Heere to the Principal's office." It ended and we shared a look before he got up and walked out the door.

The Squip Enters (Boyf Riends)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum