Meeting in the Mall Part 1 (Michael)

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"You did what?" I laughed, trying to mask how worried I was actually feeling. He really shouldn't randomly trust everyone he meets. This Squip guy could be a murderer for all he knows.

Jeremy just shrugged. "He said he could make me cool like he made Rich. He said he could get Christine to like me!"

"Do you really want to end up like Rich did? Think about everything he's done to you." I tried to reason. As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say. When I looked at the panicked look on his face, I knew I messed up bad.

"I'm sorry Jer. I didn't mean to say that," I tried to apologize. I reached for his hand but he jerked it away.

"It's fine. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"Oh. O-okay."

I never liked it when Jeremy was sad. If we were dating, I could've hugged or kissed him until he was happy. Now's not the time for gay thoughts, Michael. I thought to myself. I had to focus on Jeremy.

I decided to go with the next best option. Humor. "Well at least we know that he isn't magical," I said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

A look of confusion washed over his face. "Wha- What are you talking about?"

"Like Harry Potter. They are the ones who are born with no magic in them, right?" I explained to him.

He looked confused for a second before a wave of recognition came over him. He looked at me and facepalmed before bursting into a fit of giggles. He started laughing some more until he had tears in his eyes. He ended up falling off his bean bag

While I was happy he was not sad anymore, I still didn't understand what was so funny.

"Why are you laughing so much?"

"They're called squibs, not squips."

"O-oh. I knew that. I was trying to get you to laugh." I said, trying to make it seem like I knew what it was all along.

As I stood up, he held his hand out so I could help him get up. I grabbed his wrist and helped him up. He was really light.

"Thanks, Mikey," he said, giving me a high five.

"Anytime dude."

Jeremy grabbed his phone and looked at the time before rushing to grab his stuff. "SHIT! I'm gonna be late."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" I asked him while watching him run around the room, looking for his things.

"N-no. I'll be fine," he said sounding unsure.

"I'll just be there for moral support,"

"Fine just hurry up,"

I grabbed my phone, keys, and my headphones and jumped in my car. Jeremy came in after me.

~~Mini time skip brought to you by Christine's ADD (same tho)~~

When we got there, we immediately went into the Payless. Jeremy kept on looking around nervously like we were doing something illegal. Which we weren't. There was nothing illegal about going into a store.

As we were walking around, Jeremy suddenly stopped in front of me and I ran into him.

"What the hell, dude?"

He pointed to a security guard just outside the store. "He keeps giving weird looks."

"He's not even looking at you, you dork. Come on." I grabbed his hand and kept walking.

Once he was sure that no one was watching him, he reached into his backpack and pulled out a huge wad of cash.

My eyes got bigger. "Dude, how many copies of Apocalypse of the Damned can we get with this?"

"I don't know. A lot."

I ran my hand through my hair a couple of times. I was sorta nervous about meeting this Squip guy.

I hear a voice behind us. "Jeremy?"

He turns around. "I'm Heere," he says, his voice shaking a little. Still, it takes some self-restraint not to laugh at the stupid pun he just made.

I thought back to how he greeted me this morning. He sounded a lot less scared than he did now.

I watched as Squip walked into view. My first impression of him was that I didn't like him. No, I despised him. He had an air of arrogance to him and his eyes were cold and seemed to be calculating my every movement. I wanted to smack that smirk off his face.

He seemed like he was built to make you feel jealous or impressed. I mean, sure, he was good looking but not in the cute, dorky way that Jeremy was. No, he was intimidatingly good looking and dangerous.

"Who is this? Your "Player Two?" he sneered at me.

Jeremy told him about me? My heart started beating faster.

I took a second to compose myself and held out my hand. "Yeah, I'm Michael. Michael Mell." He didn't seem eager to shake my hand so I dropped it.

He turned to Jeremy. "Did you bring the money?"

"Uh, yeah. Here."

His eyes latched onto the envelope of cash. What does he need all that cash for? I thought to myself. I shook my head. It was probably best not to know or think about it. He got the cash out of the envelope, mumbling to himself as he counted.

When he reached four hundred, he stopped and looked at us. "You're one dollar short," he snarled out.

"I-I thought you were j-joking."

"I never joke," Squip said, coming closer to Jeremy.

I stepped in between them, reaching for my wallet to grab a dollar. "Now there's no need to resort to violence," I said, handing him a dollar. "There."

Jeremy quickly gave me a hug. "Thank god that you and your magic hoodie are here"

Squip quickly turned to Jeremy. "Follow me. I need to talk to you," I started following him. He gave me a look. "Alone,"

As I watched their retreating figures, I couldn't help but try to think of ways I could help. But what could I do other than smoke weed and play video games? I'm only a high school junior.

I tried to think of ways to pass the time. I picked at the patches on my sweater. I quickly got bored. I checked my phone. No notifications, of course. Ugh, I stand waiting here much longer. The things I do for him...

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