The Squip Enters (Jeremy)

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What did I do now? That was the only thought in my head as I walked down the hall to the principal's office. I have been here a couple of times before already. 

The last time I was there was a complete accident on my part. I was practicing casually leaning against the wall when my arm slipped and tripped the fire alarm. So yeah... I wasn't too excited about coming here.

 When I walked in, the secretary just waved my way over to the principal's office. I found the door labeled PRINCIPAL FAIST and walked in. I was greeted with a tired wave of Principal Faist's hand. 

"Good morning, Jeremy."He remembered me after the last couple of incidents that happened. 

"A-am  I in tr-trouble?" I asked, trying to think if I already did something wrong this year.

 "No," he said, shaking his head, "I need you to do something for me." He gestured for me to sit down in one of the chairs in front of him.

 "O-okay?" I stuttered out once I was seated.

"We have a foreign transfer student coming from Japan and I would like for you to show him around the school." The chance to skip class and not get in trouble was too good to pass up so I said yes to him.

I walked to the foyer and waited for the transfer student. I waited for about five minutes before I started getting impatient.

 "Where is he?" I asked out loud, growing more frustrated with the passing seconds.

  "I'm right here, " a deep voice said near my ear

I jumped at the voice and turned around to look at the transfer. The deep, buttery voice belonged to a polished, well-dressed kid, though he looked a little too old to be in high school. He seemed very cocky and smug. I instantly disliked him. I slowly thrust my hand out and introduced myself, plastering a fake smile on my face. 

"Hey, I'm Jeremy." When he grabbed my hand, I had to force myself not to jerk my hand away from his ice cold ones.

 "Just call me Squip," he said introducing himself. What the heck kind of name is Squip? I thought as we started walking down the hall. As I was pointing out different things and places at the school, he just kept ignoring me, looking bored and not really paying attention. 

I was just finishing showing him around the first floor when he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. I shivered under the gaze of those cold, electric blue eyes.

 "What do you want?" I asked him, trying to seem cooler than I really was.

"Look, I can tell neither of us wants to be here and your voice is starting to annoy me so can you just shut up?". 

"What?! Who you think you are?" I asked getting mad at the person in front of me.

"The new student," he said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

I calmed myself down and replied, "You seem a little old to be in high school,"

"I'm not exactly a high school student," he said with a weird glint in his eyes. 

"Are you a spy for the government?" I asked, my voice getting higher with every word. I started to get excited remembering those geeky 3 a.m. spy movie marathons with Michael. He would be so excited when I told him. "Or an assassin?"

"No. Are you always like this?" he said, gesturing vaguely to me with a sneer on his face. 

That made me pause for a second before the anger started kicking in again. "You know what, have a nice day," I snarled out before turning and walking away. One bully was enough. I didn't need another Rich in my life.

I stopped when I heard Squip call after me. 

"Hold up!"

I still didn't turn around to face him. "Why should I listen to anything you have to say to me?"

As he spoke to me, I could practically hear the smirk in his response. "Because I have an offer you don't want to refuse."

When he saw that I wasn't running away or turning down his offer, he started walking towards me. I could hear his footsteps getting closer and feel the smugness radiating off of him.

Don't accept his offer, no matter how tempting it is, I thought to myself, adamant on the fact that I wasn't going to accept his offer.

I turned and looked at him for a second. "I'm not interested in what you're off-" 

"Look," I met his eyes, "Do you want to be cool?"

I scoffed at him. "Of course I do. Who doesn't? But I don't need to be cool. I have my player two."

"Who is this 'player two'?"

"My best friend Michael Mell,"

"I can make everyone love you if you want," he said with a creepy looking grin on his face.

Even Christine? I let myself think. For a second, I was tempted to agree before shaking my head, trying not to get sucked into an unattainable daydream. "No, leave me alone."

"Who's the most popular kid in school?" he asked with a sly grin on his face.


He seemed to frown at that. "And after him?"

I thought about it for a second. "I guess Rich"

He suddenly got a look like he was remembering a fond memory. "Ah, last year's mission. Or it started last year. He keeps asking for my help every couple of seconds."

I was getting confused.

"What do you mean 'last year's mission?'"

"It's my job, of sorts. To help losers like you and Rich. With a different name each time of course."

"So are you say-"

"Yes I made Rich popular and I can do the same for you."

Yes. Yes... No.  I couldn't do it. It seemed too easy.

And besides, I really didn't want to end up like Rich. 

But would Christine like me if I was more chill?

"I'm guessing it's gonna cost me something?" I said and started cursing myself for making it seem like I was interested in the prospect of being cool.

"Yep. Four hundred dollars. Cash." he said while examining his nails. I was a little shocked about the cost but I knew I had enough to pay him. 

"Just two more questions."

"Go ahead. Ask away."

"How do I know you'll keep your end of the deal?"

"I always keep my word."

"Can you make Christine like me?"

"Christine Canigula?"

"Yes," I said getting a little excited.

"She's not exactly a popular person, is she?" he said, seeming unimpressed with my choice of crush.

"Why does that matter?" My voice started rising a bit. I was getting tired of this guy. 

"Just chill out."

"Just answer my question," I spat out.

"I can but it'll cost extra," he said

"How much?"

"One dollar," he pointed to a vending machine behind him. "I want a Mountain Dew. So, do we have a deal?"

He extended his hand.

I thought about it for a second before I grabbed his hand and shook.


Before I could walk away, he grabbed my arm. "Bring the money to the Payless in the mall at 8. Don't be late."

As I walked back to my first period, I could help but regret saying yes to the deal. But I'm used to making a lot of bad decisions. Jeremy Heere, king of horrible decisions.

The Squip Enters (Boyf Riends)Where stories live. Discover now