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"Anxiety happens

when you think

you have to figure out

everything all at once.


You're strong.

You got this.

Take it day by day."

- Unknown

note to self: Yes you feel like there's a million things you have to do by a certain time/day. But you're either too tired or feeling lazy to do anything right now. So you start to blame yourself for wasting time to rest or shouldn't have rested too long.

These kind of thoughts aren't helping. Even though you feel like it's impossible to free yourself from these thoughts. You actually can free yourself if you are determine enough. Nothing is impossible when it comes to making yourself feel better.

As weird as it sounds to you, you don't have to be productive everyday/every single second. You are allowed to be lazy if you feel like it. Within reasons of course.

Lastly you don't have to understand everything about your schoolwork. Try your best that's the most important.

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