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"If you believe in

yourself, and feel

confident in yourself,

you can do anything.

I really believe that."

- Karlie Kloss

note to self: You finally found a job after searching for weeks. But, weirdly enough you're more focus on fearing the unknown that comes with the new job instead of feeling happy.

Deep down you know that shouldn't be the case. Be firm with what you stand for. Have the courage to say no to people. Believe that you can do this. You're overthinking again, maybe because it's like a familiar territory to you. But, you've got to stop that.

Overthinking won't make you feel better about the situation, in fact it will make you feel worse. Remember this.

Stop being scared of other people, stop being scared of whatever situation that you're being thrown into.

Start having confidence in yourself. Believe with all your heart that you can definitely do this.

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