2 "unburnt burns"

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As the words hit their eardrums their faces got red and they felt it would be better if they could just vanish. They jumped and turned around towards their fathers and pretended as if everything is cool, but the sweat on their forehead was clearly showing the nervousness of the situation.

'We just received a call and both of you got selected!' exclaimed Mahendra's father. 'Isn't is awesome news to share?'

Shreyas and Mahi both were running out of words before even starting to talk. Their breaths were getting heavier with each passing second, and each and every moment was telling them in their ears that they were deep as hell in the situation created by themselves.

'This school is fucking us even before we are admitted in it.' Mahi murmured crumbling letters behind his back in his back pockets. 'We are fucked up.'

'Why are you guys are looking tense and nervous? Is there anything about which we can help you? Did something happen to you?' Shreyas' father asked with confusion.

Shreyas was almost ready to spit something for recovering then he smelt something. Something was about to burn behind them. No fuck! he spewed at himself in his mind.

'Yeah, we have something to tell you too.' Shreyas said trying to not look guilty of the crime he was not intending to commit.

'Yeah, this is a great idea. Let's go to the hall.' Mahi supported Shreyas without knowing what they were doing.

'Idea? What idea? Are you up to something?' Mahi's father asked.

'No... we have to something to show you.' Shreyas said out of fear.

'Okay, let's go.' Replied Shreyas' father with a grin on his face.

As soon as their fathers left Mahi's room Shreyas rushed towards Mahi's closet and grabbed one of his T-shirt and started brushing it off on the table.

'What the hell is wrong with you?' Mahi snapped snatching his T-shirt. But as soon as he saw the scene on the table he knew everything was wrong. As the only thing on the table was just about to be fad away in ashes before wicked attempt of Shreyas to extinguish the blaze caught by blue envelope, the same blue envelop Shreyas had accidentally stolen with letters which might be important to his father.

'Oh no... no... no...' Shreyas said with heavy breathing. As soon as their fathers entered in Mahi's room before a few minutes, because of sudden situation the lighter in Mahi's hand was dropped on the table. And the only thing was present on the table at that moment was a blue colored envelope. The envelope that was supposed to read by Shreyas' father. It had almost started blazing out but a hardly only small part of the envelope was not burnt out.

'You are more fucked up than I am.' Mahi confessed with shocked expressions. 'Let's go in the hall, our fathers are waiting for us and they already think that we are up to something.'

Without a second thought, Shreyas grabbed unburnt part of the envelope and they both rushed towards the hall.

Mahi's hall was decorated with attractive and good quality furniture, carpets and well-furnished with tapestries. Mahi and Shreyas sat on the sofa in front of their fathers. Within a second Shreyas' sister and mother entered the house with happy faces. Mahi's mother joined them too. The talk that was supposed to be casual was now turned into a family meeting.

'What were you going to tell us?' Shreays's dad asked.

'Aah yeah, so... what were we about to tell them Shreya...' Mahi tried to reply in confusion of what to say and what not.

1"The letter from the hell"Where stories live. Discover now