" 3 passion for education"

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"3. Passion for education."

'Hey! What are you doing here?' Suchi snapped at Mahendra. They both were in a small dark room, only two of them. The main source of light was the ray of light splintering through small holes in the only window present in the room. Mahi was nervous, so was Suchi.

'Err... I am here for you.' Mahi replied. As words came out of Mahi's mouth the awkwardness of the situation turned more intense. Mahi reached out for Suchi's hand.

'Woah... woah... don't even think about it.' Suchi frowned backing up. But Mahi had made his decision. He grabbed both of her hands and pinned it on the wall. The space between them was vanishing with each passing moment. The moment came, they were exchanging each other's breaths. The warmth of breath made Suchi more uncomfortable, but she was enjoying it. She had no mood of carrying on what was going in there, but she was not able to resist the sensation. With one hand pinned to the wall, Mahi reached out for Suchi's waist. He squeezed her waist and pulled her towards him leaving no distance between them. Within a second with the electrifying shock for both of them, their lips touched. For Mahi, it was like visiting the new dimension, the dimension where nothing else matters. They both were intoxicated in each other's arms, kissing each other with all the passion they have.

'It's 12 o' clock.' Suchi whispered in Mahi's ear after departing their lips.

'So what? We have all the time in the world right now.' Mahi declared and was about to continue.

'It's 12 o' clock... in noon... You shameless boy, how are you going to adjust yourself, WOKE UP!' It was Mahi's mom snapping his to get out of bed. Mahi suddenly woke up, he was perplexed. He was trying to recover and remember most of the events from his dream, the dream that he wanted to come true.

'What mom! You ruined one of my best dreams.' He frowned at his mother still dozing off and unable to get off the track of sleep.

'Do u still think about dreams? It's too late to wake up, you are not a small baby. I won't be there to disturb your silly little dreams.' His mom snapped back with anger waking him up. Once Mahi woke up, she ordered him to brush his teeth and take a shower and left the room.

Mahi was still in bed, thinking of the dream he just had. Why mom? Couldn't you wait for a few more minutes? He thought, rubbing his eyes. He was not able to get proper sleep throughout the night because of his irresistible thoughts. He still hadn't forgiven Shreyas for huge mistake of accepting that they both were ready for school, and he was in no mood to forgive him. He got off from his bed and was ready to take a shower.

He turned on shower, the warmth of water was healing his unhurt body. He was thinking about days to come in "EAR" but somehow he was not able to clear thoughts from his recent dreams. How come Suchi visited my dream? It must be from yesterday, Yes! When I was in the gallery I was kinda stalking her, OH GOD SHE IS SO CUTE! He was unable to get out of thoughts. The brain aching invitation of school was still his biggest problem but somehow because of Suchi's appearance in the dream he was much more relaxed than he ever could be in that situation. With all the thoughts vanished, he ended his shower and dressed. He was in front of the mirror setting his hairs when he heard a knock on his door.

'Yes?' He asked thinking it must be his mother.

'Mahi bhai, aunty was asking if you are ready for lunch.' It was Nina, Shreyas' younger sister.

'Err... Hello Nina. Tell my mom I'll be there in a minute, but you...' Mahi replied.

'Oh yes, aunty invited us for lunch, it's kind of a party, or we can say house party... on occasion of good news.' Nina explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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