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it all started on a lovely thursday afternoon. hyungwon had applied for a night shift at his local convenience store to help pay for his extra expenses.
he had been called the day after, asking if he would be able to come in to work immediately once night shift had started. he agreed of course.
he walked the two minute journey down the dark street, only a few dying lights to light the way.
the little bell rung as he walked in. "hello," he made his way to the front desk where he saw a cheerful looking blonde male. "i'm hyungwon. i'll be starting my first night."

"hi hyungwon! pleasure to meet you, i'm minhyuk. you're uniform is in the back room." he then handed the keys to the place to hyungwon.

hyungwon thanked the smiley male before making his way to the back. he opened the creaky door, quickly changing into his uniform, which was actually more of just a green apron.

minhyuk popped his head in the room. "i'll be heading out now. here's my number if you have any questions."

hyungwon once again thanked the boy, giving him a wave as he left. he then made his way to the front desk, sitting on the chair as there was no customers.

during the night, there wasn't many customers other than drunks coming in after a long night. when the bell gave a little ring, hyungwon quickly stood up, giving a little smile to the man that walked in.

"hello, is this everything?" he asked, ringing in the few bags of chips and an energy drink the slightly shorter man had brought up.

"yea, that's it."

"great, that will be $6.39." hyungwon waited patiently as the man dug out some cash from his wallet.

"is it your first night here?" the man asked.

"oh, yes it is. you must come here often, i would assume?"

"mm, i live near by, so it's more convenient." he spoke as he adjusted the black cap on his head.

"guess we have something in common. i also live fairly close by." hyungwon smiled, enjoying how simple his shift had been so far. he may have spoken too soon.

"be careful when going home, kid. you don't want to end up like the last employee to work night shift." he gave a quick smirk "keep the change." and with that, he head out without another word.

this sent shivers up hyungwon's back. he had lived so close, but never heard of anything strange happening around here. he furrowed his eyebrows, taking a seat once again.

as the night went on, there was very little customers. every so often a customer would pop in, usually tripping over their own feet as they were very clearly intoxicated with some sort of alcohol.

by now, it had just reached four in the morning. hyungwon was pretty bored. he sat in his chair, humming quietly, staring up to the ceiling. little did he know, he wasn't exactly alone.

from the outside, under the street lights, a silhouette was barely visible. he found his new victim. but victim to what?

no customer's came by for the rest of the night. it was dead silent besides the quiet radio music that played in the store.
when early morning came, a new person entered. hyungwon stood up once hearing the bell go off.

"hello, you're shift is over. i'll be taking over now. you're free to go." the male said.

"oh, great. I'm hyungwon by the way." he held his hand out, immediately having his hand shook.

"pleasure meeting you, man. im jooheon, but you can call me your new best friend." he gave a friendly smile, that showed off his dimples.

hyungwon giggled, nodding a bit. "okay, best friend. see you another time." he then headed into the back, placing his company apron on a rack under his name tag before leaving.

as hyungwon walked up the road, he gave a big yawn, feeling tired from the long night.
on the way to his apartment, someone bumped into him, jerking hyungwon down to the ground. hyungwon let out a groan.

"oh shit, are you okay?" the guy held out his hand to help hyungwon up.

hyungwon looked up at the male, slightly blushing as he recognized the person. he nodded, taking the mans hand. "yea, don't worry about it- it was my fault!"

"don't be silly, i should have looked where i was going. you look incredibly tired, i'm sorry."

"well, it's okay. um, are you hoseok by any chance?" hyungwon asked, not wanting to give off that he already clearly knows who it is.

hoseok had been hyungwon's crush since first year high school. he was a closeted gay and didn't really have plans of telling anyone any time soon.

"where do you know me from?" hoseok asked, cocking his head to the side a bit.

"ah, i think we went to high school together." hyungwon softly looked to the man in front of him.

"is that right? well nice to officially meet you- what's your name?"

hyungwon internally sighed. of course he didn't know him. "it's hyungwon, chae hyungwon."

"well hyungwon, i would like to apologize for accidentally pushing you down. can i repay you?"

"no no, you don't need to!" the skinny male flailed his hands around.

"give me your phone number, i'll message you when we are both free. i always repay others for my wrongdoings." he smiled, taking his phone out, handing it to hyungwon.

hyungwon then gave in, giving the male his number.

"great, i hope to see you soon, hyungwon." and with that, they split ways.
once hoseok was out of sight, hyungwon gave a little happy dance before continuing up to his apartment. but once again, hyungwon was oblivious to the person on the near by bench, that watched from afar.

author: hi! i hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter! i've had this idea in my head for a while and im so happy to finally put it out! sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, im really tired lmao.

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