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recap; "once hoseok was out of sight, hyungwon gave a little happy dance before continuing up to his apartment. but once again, hyungwon was oblivious to the person on the near by bench, that watched from afar."

once hyungwon reached his apartment, he unlocked the door, stepping in. hyungwon lived alone with a fluffy white kitten he had found one day on a rainy night. he still hasn't given it a name however.

"hi cat. how was your night?" he asked the cat as if he was expecting to get a response back.

hyungwon knew that night shift would suck as he would have to sleep in the days instead of getting to go out and do things like a normal person, but he would just have to get used to this new life style for now.
he made way to his couch, turning on the television. he laid around lazily, watching whatever channel he had on last.
eventually, he drifted off on the couch.

hyungwon was a pretty heavy sleeper. so heavy that he didn't wake to the sounds of his apartment door sliding open.

the man from the bench walked in after seeing the sleeping male on the couch. he gave a little hum as he kneeled next to hyungwon's sleeping body. he caressed hyungwon's cheek ever so softly with his index finger. "you're a pretty one. i think i'll like you better than the last."

the man got up from hyungwon's side. as he usually did with his prey, he planted sound cameras around the boy's apartment in several places that couldn't be easily noticed.

and then, just as quickly as he came in, he left, shutting the door with a bang.

the loud bang of the door startled hyungwon as he sat right up. "cat? did you break another vase?!" he sighed, looking around, but only seeing the cat asleep in his room.

"that was weird. i must have heard it in my sleep." he thought as he just took a spot back on the couch. he wasn't able to fall back asleep though.

eventually he got back up. he decided he would call one of his good friends instead. he got his phone out, dialling the number.

"hey won, what's up?" the voice on the other side of the line spoke.

"hyunwoo-" hyungwon whined to the older. "im so bored! will you come over and bring me food? im dying!"

"sorry won, im out with kihyun right now. if you want to come join us, we are at the coffee place near the park."

"you gays are always together. alright, i'll be by. wait for me."

they hung up. hyungwon quickly changed into different clothes, oblivious to the cameras that watched. "see you later cat! i love you, fluffy baby." he placed a kiss on the kitten's head before he grabbed his wallet and left.

it took about ten minutes before hyungwon reached the coffee shop. he immediately saw his friends.

"hey gays, i made it." he took a seat next to kihyun, placing an arm around him.

"took you long enough," kihyun huffed. "i made hyunwoo buy you a coffee, but it's getting cold."

"thanks guy. free cold coffee is better than nothing." hyungwon took a sip, not hating it's slight coldness.

"so won, how was your first night at work?" hyunwoo asked, taking the wrapper off the muffin he had bought.

"yea, it's not bad. the people seem nice. but it's pretty boring so late at night. and some weird people come in."

"weird? what do you mean by that?" kihyun asked, looking a little concerned.

"a man in a black cap told me about something happening to the last employee that worked my shift. but i don't know what happened." hyungwon furrowed his eyebrows, thinking back on what was said.

"well i heard of nothing happening either, so he was probably just trying to scare you." hyunwoo spoke. "if you feel scared, give me a call. i'll scare off anyone with a single look."

kihyun and hyungwon gave a laugh. it was a bonus having such a masculine looking friend. "thanks hyun."

as hyungwon enjoyed a peaceful time with his friends, it seemed someone else was also having a good time.

he watched from afar giving a fond smile, but it's not the person you think it is.

"hello, i believe we just met not that long ago." the bunny looking male spoke, approaching hyungwon and his friends.

"oh, hoseok.." hyungwon's cheeks turned to a light pink tint.

"hi, i'm hoseok." he reached out, shaking hands with hyunwoo and kihyun. "mind if i take this one off your hands?" he asked, placing his hand on hyungwon's shoulder.

"go ahead." kihyun ushered hyungwon out of the booth.

once hyungwon and hoseok were outside the shop, hyungwon looked over to the other, smiling softly. "what's up? it's nice seeing you again, hoseok."

"it is lovely to see you again, so soon. i suppose you aren't too busy today? maybe i could repay you now?"

"oh, you really don't need to!" hyungwon played with his fingers, trying to keep eye contact as best as he could.

"don't worry about it, i want to." hoseok took hyungwon's arm, guiding him in a direction. "what's your most favourite thing in the world?"

hyungwon thought about the question before knowing exactly what. "i really love poetry."

"that's different. i like that." hoseok smiled, releasing the boys arm.

"poetry is relaxing yet knows how to reach my heart in the deepest of ways." he hummed fondly, watching his feet as they walked.

hoseok looked over at him, grinning.

after close to twenty minutes of just walking and talking, hoseok brought hyungwon into a library. it wasn't much, but it was something he thought the other would enjoy.

hyungwon, just as hoseok thought, was very happy. they went over to the poetry section and hyungwon read to hoseok all his favourite poems as he had known many of the ones in the books.

the two of them were content spending time like this together. just as hyungwon had said, it was relaxing.

even the strange man on the other side of the bookshelf was enjoying the poems, but what he didn't like, was the extra person around his new found toy.
author: i hope you guys are enjoying! if you have any suggestions you'd like to say, please do! thank you for reading and voting. ily guys.

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