'Aikatsu' ~Tutu Ballerina~ Ver. TrueCrayon ENGLISH

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One day she stretched out on her toes reaching to the sky; her hands spread out towards the stars

A blanket made of wings flew down and enveloped her so that her legs could take a break

Is it really happiness that comes from never, ever feeling tired?

If you do not close your eyes then just like flowers they wont bloom forever

But even though she knows she has to sleep it seems that all she can ever do is dream

As her heart continues to dance

An open door leads on to tomorrow (through the curtain)

And very soon now the dawn will break through (the clock has said)

Its time to rest after all your hard work (Im sure that youre ready for one now)

It is such an important thing to do

After this small, soft kiss on your cheek

Have a good sleep Tutu・Ballerina

Down from a sky made up of light was a single thread, its silver gleaming in the moon

It made a path to guide her way and it tempted her, but she turned round and looked away

You are not a marionette whose freedom is bound by strings that hold you

You know that youre a girl and so you choose to wear your tiara proudly

Now wait off in the wings beside the stage, its almost time for you to step forth and shine

Yes, your turn is decided now

Out through the darkness a Pegasus soars (an aurora)

After a romance one hundred years long (its now awake)

But you cannot see its face through the blur (thats still to come later in this tale)

A little smile is forming on your face

As you are sleeping, while you are dreaming

You are a dancing ballerina

An open door leads on to tomorrow

And very soon now the dawn will break through

Its time to rest after all your hard work

It is such an important thing to do

So just enjoy the ride

Out through the darkness a Pegasus soars (an aurora)

After a romance one hundred years long (its now awake)

But you cannot see its face through the blur (thats still to come later in this tale)

A little smile is forming on your face

After this small, soft kiss on your cheek

Have a good sleep Tutu・Ballerina

LyricsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora