Linko the Dolphin Hybrid

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Linko's POV

Hello. My name's Linko. I am a Chinese White Dolphin Hybrid... Nope. It should be called a human hybrid. I'm now 12, and I live in the sea near Lantau Island, Hong Kong (I COULDN'T PICK A BETTER PLACE FOR CHINESE WHITE DOLPHINS!!).

Letto, aka my Mom, is a Chinese White Dolphin while my Dad's a human. My dad was a Dolphin lover and he loves our kind so much he ended up falling in love with a Dolphin and even have a child with her, and that's me. (I couldn't imagine how a Human can have children with a Dolphin in terms of Biology...)

Since I looked like human at birth, I was sent to live with the humans at my first few years. At that time, I study in school and being educated. Thanks to my Dolphin DNA, I was a smart kid in school.

At around eight human years later, some time when I was studying Primary 3, I discovered that I have a Dolphin form, so then I started to live in the sea with my mom, though I still go to school.

Since I have the knowledge of both Dolphins and Humans, I can truly understand each other.

Humans visit us three days a week, which is around Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, I think. Our leader, Kezzo will lead us to do different movements in front of the Humans.

Yeah, the Humans visit us via Dolphin Tours and they love to take photos of our majestic movements.

I love how the Humans are happy and excited seeing us. They take photos! And they cheer out loud. Sometimes I saw some of my friends on the ship too!!!

My best human friend was a boy named Luis. He was also a smart boy in school, but just the fact that he's kinda playful.

I went to school today again. I looked around, not seeing Luis around.

Where is he?

A slap towards my shoulder makes me jump. It was Luis...again.

"Yo, Linko!!" He said. "Wanna come to my house and have some video gaming fun?"

"Sure!" I said. "Just after the school ends."


I met Luis at the front of the school gate.

"Hello, Linko!!" He said.

"Hi." I greeted. "So, what are we doing today?"

"Let's have some SUPER SMASH BROS MADNESS!" he yelled. "I HAVE BROUGHT A WII U!!"

"Cool!" I yelled out loud. "Let's walk faster!"


I LOVE gaming with Luis. He's a pro gamer, so great he can beat a whole new game completely 100% without any advice. And, I am too.

Today I'm gonna play Super Smash Bros with him. The newest Wii U version.

I swear I'll beat him this match.

When we got to the character choosing screen, Luis chose Pit from Kid Icarus at once. Man, Pit was my favorite character! AND HE GOT HIM AT ONCE?!

Well, I might have to go to the character with a similar name with mine: Link, from Legend of Zelda. He's kinda my back-up character. If I can't choose Pit I'll choose  him right away.

"Chose Link, huh?" Luis chuckled. "Well, too bad. Pit will win you!"

So we choose Kirby and Wii Fit Trainer to be controlled by program. Then, we start the game.

I made Link to jump away from Kirby's attacks and deal with Wii Fit Trainer. She's a really strong character, but I just don't like using her. Link used bombs to increase the damage for the Trainer, and manage to kick her out of the stage.

Luis was using Pit, dealing with Kirby, who unfortunately already have his abilities copied and could now fight like Pit himself. Link charged towards Kirby and pushed him out of the stage. He tries to fly back, but Pit made a heavy blow at the side and sent him flying far away.


"Don't loose, Link!" I yelled.

"Get him, Pit!" Luis cheered.

Link used a boomerang and manage to barely knocked Pit to the edge.

And now the orb appeared! The one that can let you enable a super attack! Before Pit even got up to the stage, Link touched the orb and did his attack on Pit. Pit flew off the stage ten miles away and lose his last chance.

"I WON!!!" I yelled excitedly. "Screw you Luis I WON!!!"

"What?!" Luis exclaimed. "B-but why?"

"Hey Luis, Its just a game! We can have another match!"


"Whoa. Its seven now. I have to go home."

"Kay. Actually..."


"Can I next time go to your home?"


"Why? What's up with your home?"

"...Just don't come. It's a secret why. And although I truly trust you, I don't hunk you'll want to know the secret..."


I went to my father's house and put down my school bag and all the stuff.

"Hello dear. Why are you so late?" My dad asked.

"I went video-gaming with Luis, of course." I said, taking off my school uniform.

"You should go back to the sea and find mom." He said. "She'll be really worried."

"OK then!" I leave the house as soon as possible, knowing my mother will be worried.

I dive into the sea and switch into my dolphin form. I swam as deep as I can so no one will notice me. I got to the tribe.

"Hai, Mom." I said, obviously in the language of Dolphins. "I'm home."

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