Eliseo the Wolf Hybrid

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~Eliseo's POV~

Hey! Its Eliseo, and I'm an Ethiopian wolf. I learnt that at school.

And now you may wonder... What's a wolf doing at school? Well I'm a human hybrid. I was born to a human mother, and my father was a wolf, part of the Wolfols pack. I don't know where he is now, though.

I started out as a wolf, living in the woods behind my mother's house. She has another husband, and they've got two darling girls. I come and visit sometimes, in my wolf form.

When I was seven, I started to wish I could become human , just to see what it felt like. At eight, my wish came true. I could transform into a human whenever I liked, and I can't say I really loved it. The senses are duller, and I can't anticipate anything that might be sneaking up on me.

I suppose that's just wolf instinct.

I went and told my mother, and she was so happy. I could speak human, and I wasn't surprised. Wasn't a human supposed to speak human? My mother sent me to school, but I soon got tired of science and math and biology, and I said goodbye to my mother and my school and went to live in the Wolfol pack.

I didn't have many friends at school. Probably because I didn't trust anyone else who wasn't a wolf.

Anyway my best friend in the pack is Dolsen. We always tease each other about the females. Nolo seems to have taken a liking for Dolsen.

Our leader, Hewlo, wasn't that glad when I joined the pack. He wanted wolves, not hybrids, but I proved to be a faithful pack member, fighting off rogues and hunting prey for the pack. They seemed to have accepted me at last.

I never saw my mother again. I still visit my school sometimes.

"Hey Eliseo!" Dolsen called. I looked up from the prey i was eating. "Wanna go hunting? Its still some time before sundown."

Ah, sunset. It was my favorite time of day. I followed Dolsen out of the Wolfols camp and immediately I could scent a herd of deer.

I nodded to Dolsen and we parted ways to attack from different sides of the herd. Judging by scent, there were about six adult deer and four little ones. They won't die without two kids...

Dolsen and I charged at the herd, each targeting a small deer. We separated them from the herd easily enough. This was way more fun than school.

We brought down our little deer and dragged them back to camp.

"Great catch!" Grakono said, ripping off a piece of deer leg for her friends. "This can feed the whole pack!"

"For a day," Harret laughed, and carried the deer leg back to the little corner where the females like to eat. Nolo was already there, sunning herself in the afternoon sunlight.

Suddenly Olo burst through the bushes, howling a warning about humans. The other wolves quickly went into hiding while i switched into my human form.

Not a moment too soon, because just then someone from my former school came from the bushes and started poking around.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

The boy looked up. He looked um, younger than me I guess? Couldn't tell. "I'm looking for dogs!" he said excitedly. "I heard there are lots of huge dogs here!"

"Wolves," I said. "They are wolves, not dogs."

The kid rolled his eyes. "Whatever." he started poking the bushes closer to camp.

I growled. I didnt mean to, but wolf instinct is hard to ignore. The kid didn't notice, and i was tackling him before he disturbed the bush where the Wolfol tribe was hiding.

I must've had something in my face, or maybe i'd grown a tail, but the kid just started screaming. I leapt off him and landed on four feet and the kid ran away.

I was a wolf again.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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