Chapter 3: Love is Weird

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Hey guys! So I'm gonna try giving my chapters titles now to keep it interesting and trust me this chapter is kinda crazy so I'll just let you read.

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I NEED feedback so please do one of those things! :) anyways

I walked into the school this morning just hoping for a decent school day.

As I arrived at my locker, I realized I forgot my locker combination.


Just what I needed to start off my day.

I set my backpack down on the ground and started to rummage to find where I had written my combination when I was suddenly slammed and pushed against my very own locker.

I whipped my head around and came face to face with a very good looking boy.

Not that I was checking him out or anything.

He had messy brown hair and caramel brown eyes.

He was truly beautiful.


"Hey nerd, I've heard about you around here. And I like what I see."

He pressed his body closer to mine, making me squirm.

He started to smirk once he saw how uncomfortable I looked.

"If you don't mind, I kinda have to open my locker and get to class on time."

I replied with a shaking voice.

This has never happened to me before, especially on my second day.

"Babe I'm pretty sure you're already late.

Why don't you just skip class with me and maybe we can do a little something if you know what I mean."

He wiggled his eyebrows at that failed attempt.

And seriously he thinks I'm his babe already?

Um no.

I tried to push him off but he was like a big boulder.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said "Get off me."

He laughed and replied "Not gonna happen."

I racked around in my head trying to come up with a clever idea to get this person off me.

I made my decision.

I leaned in closer to him, faking affection and as he saw me doing this his eyes widened but he leaned in closer.

Just as we were about to kiss, I slapped him across the face and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

As he grimaced and went down in pain I said to him "Hi my name is Isabelle Smith and now you know not to mess with me."

I turned on my heel and strutted out of the hallway.


As I sat in chemistry class, all I could think about was what I had said and done to that boy.

He must be the player of the school judging by how he talked to me.

"Miss Smith, are you even paying attention?"

Grr I hate this teacher.

Mrs Schutte is the worst.

She's so boring its impossible to pay attention and besides I already know all this crap. As I drifted back into my head, my mind wandered to that boy again.

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