Chapter 5- What do i do

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I know for sure that today would be an awkward day at school.

At least for me.

I still keep thinking about everything that had happened between Noah and I.

How can I forget that?

Besides, it felt good knowing someone admitted their feelings for me.

But I don't know if I feel the same way. I mean that's the only guy I've met so far.

Other than getting dirty and evil looks from other guys.


I slowly walked up to my locker and started to enter in my combination.

When I grabbed my stuff for my next class, I bumped into someone in the hallway, again making me drop all of my stuff.

I spun around and started to say "Noah are you-" when I noticed that it wasn't Noah.

In fact, he was way different than Noah.

He was tall, with dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

Oh my god.

I stuttered "Oh I'm so sorry I thought you were Noah I mean someone else other than you."

He laughed at my hesitation and stuttering.

"It's alright."

He leaned in closer and said "Oh I'm Ethan by the way. I guess I'll see you around."

He gave me a dazzling smile and walked away in the other direction, leaving me alone in the hallway.

Until Noah showed up at that very moment.

"Come on nerd, we are gonna be late."

Before I could even react, Noah lifted me up off the ground, carrying me over his shoulder.

I pounded my fists into his back telling him to put me down.

It was no use.

He them dropped me right before we came to our classroom.

Before I could hit the ground hard, his arms shot out and scooped me up before I could totally fall.

He then brought me back up to my feet, gave me a look, and walked inside.

I reluctantly followed.

Death glares and dirty looks came my way.


I don't think this will ever stop.

As I scanned for a seat, my eyes landed on Noah.

He acted so casual now, like nothing even happened.


He caught me looking, and I quickly looked away, setting my stuff down and burying my head pretending to read my yearbook.

As I sneaked another peak out of the corner of my eye, I saw he was still staring at me.

A little too long for comfort.

The class went by quick.

When I was walking to my locker, I was surprised to see who was standing there.


When he finally saw me, he smiled.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

He laughed, but I really don't understand why.

"We both have lunch right? I wanna talk to you. You know, get to know you and all." That smile is literally flawless.

I must've zoned out for a moment, because his hand was waving in my face.

"Oh um yeah I do have lunch. Yea that would be great."

My voice squeaked when I had finished talking.


Again, he started laughing.

"Maybe you should start learning how to talk properly to guys."

I stopped and gawked at him.

Did he really just say that.

"Hey now, I can talk to guys. There just may be some that I don't know at all."

He smirked.

"Oh really. I see what you did there."

One of the best moments now became the worst moment.

One word.


He came on up, strolling right towards me.

He didn't look too happy.

"Isabelle, I came down to get you for lunch. Let's go."

He started for my hand but Ethan stepped I'm front of me.

With a friendly but deadly smile he said

"Actually, Noah I have Isabelle for lunch today. Since she's new and all, I wanna get to know her. You know how that is."

They both just glared at each other.

Noah wasn't being friendly and Ethan was at least trying to be.

"Come on Isabelle, let's go."

He grabbed for my hand again, but Ethan slapped it away.

"I have her today Noah, back off for a bit. Nothing's gonna happen."

Oh god this isn't good.

"I'm the one that's been there for her Ethan, so if you can excuse me, but Isabelle and I have somewhere to be."

With that, Noah gripped my wrist hard, and dragged me away, leaving Ethan there, fuming at him.

"You know, Noah you didn't have to do that."

I snapped at him.

"Oh really says the girl who thinks she knows everyone when she really doesn't. Just stay away from him Isabelle."

"Well maybe I should be the one staying away from you."

Tears stung my eyes as I knew they would come with that statement.

I quickly wiped them away.

With that, he let go of my hand and walked away, not once turning back.

Maybe I did make the wrong decision doing that, but honestly he didn't need to be so rude.

What should I do?

I may have just lost my only friend.

When that fact hit me, I leaned up against my locker, burying my face in my hands.

Sorry it's a little shorter today I'm really stressed out about a lot of things:/

They are literally eating away at me.

Bye for now lovelies

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Makes my day less stressful

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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