Chapter 1

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He was walking down the halls. he was coming straight towards me. My heart rate increased and I thought my heart was going to burst through my chest.

Everything came crashing down as he walked straight pass me to his locker. Nice going loser! He'll never notice you!

"LUCAS HEMMINGS!!" i snapped my head fast towards the voice I thought I gave myself whiplash, I was face to face with Michael. A amused chuckle came from his mouth as I arched an eyebrow, "What!?" he carried on laughing at me before shoving my left shoulder slightly and then sighed; "Stop doing this to yourself! I hate seeing you get all hyped up just to crash back down. He's not worth the trouble, and I don't want to see you get hurt by that loser." I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker door shut again as I resisted my bag in my shoulders. "Firstly I'm not hyping myself up every time and another thing  I don't care so just forget it okay?" I mumbled and started to walk down the cold yellow hall toward my class.
   "Luke! I'm just looking out for you bro, i don't want you to get hurt, I've seen you hurt before and let me tell you it's not a pretty sight." A heavy sigh exited my lips as I walked into Art. "I know you are but i can handle myself Mikey." replying to him as I took my seat.
     I felt Michael sit next to me and Calum took his place in front of us. Calum let out a chuckle before saying; "You say that while wearing a God forbidden flower crown on your head Luke." I felt a small blush coat my cheeks as I shrugged at them. "It's just... it's.... whatever shut up." I mumbled out. The two boys let out quiet amused laughs. "Oh.... My.... God! It's  because 'He' was wearing one at the end of last year wasn't it! Luke! Oh my this gold!!" Michael screeched out with a laugh as my cheeks started to hear up fast making them feel like they had caught on fire. I cleared my throat and quickly composed myself once again. "I don't know what you two are talking about. Can't a boy wear a flower crown if he wants to without people.... dumbos like you commenting on it." I sassed out with confidence. They just sat there and smirked.

Thats when my heart started to race and my cheeks started to feel like they were on fire again.

'He' had walked into class.

Wearing a flower crown on his golden mess of a head. Which in my defence and I'm pretty sure he wasn't wearing in the halls as I was at my locker. I internally groaned and I slowly pulled the black hood up onto my head to hide my embarrassment. That didn't help much as Calum and Michael let out hyena type laughs and holding their stomachs. I let out a pained and embarrassed groan before throwing my two pencils at the pair of them. "Shut the hell up you two!" I hissed out to them which just made them laugh a lot harder then before.

I hate my friends. I hate them.

Mr Wills had entered the classroom and got himself sorted out before he turned to the class. My cheeks still haven't stopped burning and the sniggering from the two boys still wasn't helping matters.
      "Good Morning class! Right to start off I have an assignment for you all! But first off I need all of you on the right side of the class, from Mia to James and all you muppets in between them to write your names down on a piece of paper and put them in this fishbowl that is going around. After you have done that I shall take the bowl from you and the rest of you pull one name out and that will be your partner for this but don't open them until I say."
        I hugged quietly before I wrote 'Luke H' on a piece of paper and slipped it into the fishbowl. Mr Wills just started the register. "Clifford?" Michael called out an amused 'Yo' as he was still chuckling with Calum over my embarrassment. dickheads. Soon he called out Calum's name then mine. Soon after a couple more people it was 'Him'.

    Soon the fishbowl was with the other side of the room and they all had a piece of paper clutched in their hands and to say I was nervous was beyond anything. I was to put it awkwardly.... shitting myself.  "Have the rest of you got a piece of power with a name on?" Mr Wills asked and they all nodded a yes in response. "Jayden, you start." she sent a small smile before opening her paper. "Mikey." she spoke as she started tying her blond hair up and she grinned as my idiot best friend waved at her. A few more people went their turn and Mr Wills spoke again. "Ashton..." he smiled small and delicately opened his paper. "Luke." My head snapped his directed and a pink tinge fell on my chores again, I could see Calum and Michael turning a painful shade of pure red again trying to conceal their barking laughter. I looked towards Ashton again who was smiling widely at me, I sent a small shy smile back to him before Charlotte was up.     She tucked her brunette hair behind her left ear before she opened her paper. "Calum." she huffed out before looking up and winking at Calum who returned it. Honestly he's the most sexual out of us three, sex is always on his mind. 

After we heard our names Michael leant into me and whispered; "Bro Ashton got you!" I shook my head and a firm blush landed back on my cheeks. Mr Wills looked over at us and furrowed his eyebrows. "Lucas! Hood down in my class please!" I groaned and raised my hands to my head trying to pull the flower crown off my head as well as my hood which cause the two idiots to burst out laughing again and high 5-ing.

      Near the end of class we had receive out assignments, it was to do a creative art piece on the person who picked is out of the bowl. Easy enough I suppose we just have to hang out a bit to find out about each other shouldn't be too difficult.  A loud ring echoed through the halls and into the classroom signalling the end of class. I quickly gathered my things and went to make my way out until someone stopped me. "Ummm Luke?" I spun around on my heels and was faced by the beauty of Ashton. "Oh... umm H-Hi." I stupidly stuttered out with pink adoring my cheeks. He let out a small giggle as he moved me to the side of the classroom outbid the way of our fellow classmates leaving. "Hi, I was just wondering if you want to come to mine this weekend, you know to learn a bit more about each other so we can make a start on our assignment and hopefully get good grades." My mind clouded over. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest and my stomach was doing backflips as this gorgeous male was talking and standing in front of me. Over Ashton shoulder Mikey and Calum were making kissing faces at me and swooning. I swear I'm going to kill them one day. I turned back to Ashton who had hole in his gorgeous eyes and and a find smile playing on his lips waiting for my reply. Heat flooded my cheeks and I internally groaned I needed to get a grip on myself and stop blushing. "Umm yeah....  okay, that would be fun." He let a giggle escape those pink lips of his and I nearly fainted inside. I actually heard him giggle and it was like angels singing. "Great, I'll give you a message tomorrow on what time and my address so you don't get lost or I can come get you either way." I felt my head slowly bob but everything was hazy as I heard him speak and a fond smile played at my lips. "Okay well I'll see you soon then." he sent a cute smile my way which I goofily grinned back as he left. I was left there looking like a complete moron as Calum and Mikey walked back to me. "Well what did he want or ask you?" Mikey spoke with a wiggle of his eyebrows. " He invited me to his house, you know to work on the assignment." The next thing I heard was them both bursting out laughing as we started walking to our next class, they didn't stop until we walked in which made me receive two smirks from the pair as we took our new seats.

I hate them. I hate them so damn much.
But I love them too much and I wouldn't be able to change them ever. They were my brothers more then best friends

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