Bug Mouse Talks - 2

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Marinette's heart raced as she stared out the window. She was going to be with the famous Adrien Agreste that her old friends used to fan girl about for a long time. The whole school year in fact. Including holiday breaks! Marinette was excited at first but she was nervous now. Adrien seemed to be a lot different then what she and her old friends envisioned. He seemed a whole lot more intimidating. Scary even. 

But Marinette shook it off. He seemed nice when they had their first conversation with her. Sure he used language and seemingly was aggressive, but Marinette saw past that. She saw a cute, confidant boy who had mysteries lurking around with him. Mysteries that her curiosity thrived for. And seeing how she was going to spend the whole school year together, she definitely thought she had time to get to know him. And if she was lucky, even be his friend.

Marinette had no idea where she was going. She's never been to Adrien's house before. Did he have siblings? His mother and father could be nice! She was a fan of there fashion line but wasn't as obsessed with them as her friend, Chloe was. Chloe said she's met Gabriel Agreste a while back, but I didn't believe her. She's never been to Paris! Well . . . that was before . . .

Chloe and Marinette were the only two students from her high school that were chosen to go on this trip. Luckily, Chloe and Marinette were best friends so the two were super excited. Both of their parents are moving to Paris. Marinette's parents are opening up a bakery and are super successful in our old town. Chloe's mother is never home. In fact she wasn't even married to Chloe's father. They were divorced. Chloe's mother lived in New York, in the United States and she was a fashion judge for fashion shows. Chloe's father was planning to be the mayor of Paris. To the public, they were respectful and kind to others. To Chloe, they were the scariest things on earth.

Chloe gets beat by her drunk father constantly. For no reason whatsoever. Chloe told Marinette this after Marinette had threatened to never talk to her again if Chloe didn't tell her why she had cuts, scars and bruises on her back almost every day. Chloe made her promise on their friendship not to tell anyone. So Marinette didn't.

Chloe was especially happy to be away from her family. No longer being at risk of going to the hospital. But Marinette missed her parents. A lot.

Marinette's thoughts trailed away as the car came to a stop. She looked out the widow and saw a mansion. This must be where she was going to live! It was huge! Marinette was even more excited! She wondered how many rooms there was in only a third of it. Probably a hundred!

Marinette smiled with excitement when she looked back at Adrien. He looked back at her and returned her smile politely, but looked to his feet again. Marinette had a worried expression now. What was with him? He looked sad. How could he be sad about going home early? It would've sounded great to her.

The two got out of the car and followed the driver inside. Inside was even better then the outside. Everything looked new and refurbished. Though, as Marinette looked at it, it seemed to have a theme. It almost was as if they were butterfl- 


Marinette lost her track of thought and looked up the grand staircase. There stood a tall man. But not just any man. It was the Gabriel Agreste. He was even more cold then what she imagined from a man that never showed his face in public. 

She smiled politely at him but nervously. "U-umm. Hel-lo . . ."

Gabriel nodded at her. "Now, Ms. Dupain-Chang. You are not allowed in the Northern or Eastern wings of the mansion. Your things will be sorted out for you in your sleeping quarters. You will accommodate with my son in his room. The reason why is because every other room is being put to use so as another punishment for my son, you will join him in his bedroom."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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