Part 8

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I didn't even bother unlocking the door before blasting it down.

Its singing cut off as I stepped into the chamber, and it turned from the window to face me. Already I could see the effects of what taking out its gem was doing: Its skin seemed like it was shriveling up, becoming wrinkled like an elder, and was nearly white in color. Its face had become sharp, the bone protruding from beneath the layers, its eyes sunken in the sockets. But still, the icy blue of its eyes shone brightly from the dark depths.

I brandished the scepter.

"Incredible what three of these Celestial gems can do, isn't it? Did you know how much power even just one could hold? And to think, it was inside your chest this entire time. Even though you didn't follow my preferred wish, Celestial, in leading me to others of your kind, you still did help me. Is it too late for your god to take you back, I wonder, or do you need your gem for that? Either way, I suppose it's up to him what happens to you now. You've done all you could for me."

A grunt was heard to my right. I turned to see Jayve lying on the bed.

"Stay away from him."

I sniggered at it.

"I'm starting to see a pattern here. You only speak in song or to protect someone who brought you to this hell."

I walked across the room to him, uncontested by the Celestial. I saw that Jayve's shirt was torn open to expose the wound in his stomach. Some rags were wrapped around his torso to cover it, and a large, deep red stain had risen where the wound was. His breaths were ragged and quick as he struggled, and even though his eyes were only opened in pained slits, I could still see the rage and hatred within them.

"I have to say, Jayve, it was truly brave of you to raise your weapons against me. Granted it certainly didn't turn out like you had planned, but points for courage in the face of death. And even now I'm surprised that you're still alive, even just barely. I suppose it's some thanks to your inamorata in trying to save you. Does its voice have some healing properties or something of the sort?"

I sauntered over to the Celestial, who stood as still and as quiet as ever when in my presence. Given its slumping appearance, it clearly was not as attractive as it once had been. Taking the scepter, I held the spinning magic it produced at the head before its face. I heard Jayve produce several grunts and growls before a heavy thud was heard. The Celestial gasped in alarm, looking behind me at him, but it remained where it was.

"Stop," he forced out.

I ignored him.

"Do you see this, Celestial? This is your magic, visible to even the human eye. This could very well be the most powerful weapon the world will have ever seen, and it's partial thanks to you. Don't look scared, Celestial; I'm sure this could very well be in the hands of someone way worse than I. With this, in a way, you will live on forever, along with the other two Celestials sacrificed. After meeting you, I wish I could have met them, as well, instead of having Jayve steal their gems without a second thought."

Jayve's voice came between gritted teeth.

"I made a mistake bringing her here."

At last, I turned to look at him. He was lying on the floor, scrunched up as he held his stomach.

"I'm sure that's what you think after all that's happened."

His face grimaced with pain, and suddenly his arm shot out with all his remaining strength to throw a hidden dagger toward me. I stepped sideways, the blade barely passing in front of my eyes before it hit the wall and fell to the floor with a loud clatter.

"A better attempt than last time, I suppose. Perhaps if you weren't as injured and lying on the floor as you are, that would have made its mark."

I pointed the scepter at him.

But the Celestial ran in front of him, holding its arms out protectively at its sides.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Aw, how adorable. The two lovers want to die together, within the same blast. I guess I can grant that."

Before I could conjure up a detonation, the Celestial spun around and crouched over Jayve, putting its hands on his injured abdomen.

And it began singing.

Ji venre, reporque ki jun

Rah fe linge amar des haun

Magretu a oprend jo,

Cur siteni aster,

Ar co limpre a harde cur keerah mordu.

The wind outside had begun to flow through the barred window in excessive amounts, seeming to circulate around the room. A faint blue glow emanated from the Celestial.

Ji venre, gor ro dand a ve

Cur luxe mordu, op petranos,

Ro corde cu a repid ji ere

En gura des a te jorlok

Han a numred des muyr haun.

The world seemed to hold its breath for one long second before a deafening crack sounded and a blast of blinding blue light rushed toward me. There was nothing I could do as it threw me hard into the wall. A great pain split into the back of my head, and I felt myself lose consciousness.

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