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Hello, Reader! First of all, I want to thank you for checking out this short story, even if it's just the first part. That means I caught some of your interest!! Now it's my job to make sure I can keep it....

This is a 10-part short story that first popped into my mind while I was (re)reading Mary E. Pearson's The Heart of Betrayal, the second book in The Remnant Chronicles trilogy. As I thought more about the idea, I really grew to like it and wanted to expand on it a little by putting it into actual words. (Which in reality I should not have spent any time on this as I already have other books I need to work on instead...)

As I thought more about it, I ended up implementing an idea that is inspired by a video game called Celeste that I recently started playing and instantly fell in love with, despite all the rage it induces in me. Dang strawberries....

While I was writing this - and literally, as I was typing one of the parts - another idea randomly came upon me that I guess could be inspired by The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The last inspiration is from my religion - Catholicism - and my relationship with God.

I ask that you read this with an open mind. I didn't spend much time with this, frankly because I just don't have the time, so some things may seem a bit wonky or not really add up right. Once you finish reading the parts, there is an afterword explaining some things more in-depth than I did here, since once you get to that part you *should* have read everything, and we won't have to worry about spoilers :)

With all that said, I hope you enjoy! ^-^

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