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The next Monday came in just a blink of eye. Jungkook and Jimin were really excited to meet their favourite teacher. And to add it all up, their day started off with Jimin's most favoured subject and yeah you guess it right.
Music class!

" Okay guys. Today I want all of you to form a group because I want all of you to perform next week."

The whole class groaned hearing that and everybody started to eye each other. All of them started to walk to their group of friends.

Jungkook and Jimin is obviously together. After that, Mark and Jackson came up to them be their groupmate.

Yoongi eyed the whole class and was satisfied as everybody has formed their group.

" Okay, great. Now I want all of you to discuss on what song do you guys want to perform. And you need to sing obviously. If you need some advice just call for me. "

The whole class giggles and cheered as they got to sing. Jimin and Jungkook gives each other a knowing look and grinned happily. They really love to sing. They always busk when they got the chance to.

Jimin's happiness was shattered into pieces when he saw a girl named Momo raised her hand to get the teacher's attention. His grin turned into a frown upon seeing that.

Yoongi saw the girl and walked towards her. She stood up next to Yoongi and showed him the book of notes. Perhaps she was asking if the song would be suitable for the performance.

The girl was obviously trying to flirt with the teacher by shoving her chest at the teacher and purposely touch his hand. Jimin was fuming with anger upon seeing that. And Yoongi just let the girl be. Not even minding to nudge her away. Jimin almost ran to the girl and choke her to death.

He couldn't fight his jealousy anymore and stood up from his seat and walked towards the teacher gaining himself a questioning look from his teammate.

He went to the teacher and grabbed his hand and that shocked both Yoongi and Momo. He scrunched his nose at Momo and pouted at Yoongi.

" Mr. Minnn... Can you help us a little bit? We have no idea on what song would suit our voice. "

He whined to the teacher while showing his puppy eyes to the teacher. Yoongi smiled at him at booped his nose. He then excused himself from Momo and walked together with Jimin back to his place.

Jungkook was still shaking his head in disbelief seeing Jimin openly flirting with the teacher. Yoongi then sit in Jimin's place leaving Jimin standing like an idiot. He blinked his eyes in disbelief at Yoongi for sitting in his seat.

" Where should I sit then? "

He whined with a pout but that didn't last long as the teacher's action after that invited giggles and cheers from the whole class.

He pulled Jimin's hand a little bit too strong and Jimin ended up sitting in Yoongi's lap. He was again a blushing mess. Nobody can tell the difference between Jimin and tomato right at that moment.

" What kind of help do you need again, honey? "


My Teacher [ Taekook ]Where stories live. Discover now