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Symphony is an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, and just like that here my book -'Symphony' is nothing but the one musical phase of 'hurting' in our lives.
Thank you so much to each and every single one of you for reading my 'insights' and i would be glad to know if you could relate with them or not.
This book is nothing but a sad-strong truth of life, the uncovered vulnerability of people during their darkest hours.
There is nothing more beautiful in the world than people being true and open about their flaws and vulnerable timelines of their life. There is nothing more beautiful than people expressing their happy and sad times.
And this book is dedicated to all the beautiful souls out there fighting within themselves to just survive.
          Just know that life doesn't
                 ends - anywhere
There is a life before we are born and a life after we are dead.So giving up is never an option.
This book is to inspire everyone that not being 'okay' is ' okay' .
The thing which is not okay is- faking a smile and all those 'i am fines'.
And with this ,this book which depicts the hurting phase of life
Ends here.
And just like this- the hurting phase ends here too.
With every dark night comes a promising morning too. And this hurt is promising you to bring a beautiful, soulful, happy, shining life ahead.

Thanks you so much.
Wish you all a beautiful life ahead. ❤️
- Anushka.

If you want to contact me here's my instagram - just_therapyy
I will always be there for you.
Feel free to share your thoughts with me i will do my best to help you.

With love 💕
Bye until next time.

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