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So, this is my second entry here. Been quite a while, actually three weeks since i've wrote anything.

That case hit a dead end. By the way, i forgot to mention that victim's name was Mark _____.

So, the reason i started this journal was to relieve my mind of the stress.

That is exactly why i'm back here. There was another murder. Equally.....perhaps more violent that the last one.

This person, whose name was Tim ______ , was one of those low life criminals. Couldn't find out much about him. No known family, no gang affiliation, nothing. Just a crook.

He was... i mean weights were tied to him. All over his body. A lot around his face. His feet were seemingly tied to a vehicle. And he dragged out for quite a while. His body parts were scattered across 4 blocks.

It was difficult to stand there. I don't know what kind of sick, deranged person would do this. I would like to put him in maximum security prison so he rots away there till the end of days.

I don't know whether this was commited crime by the person who commited the last crime. For ease of reference, let me refer to him as "Pseudo" as it is his fake name.

So there are no signs of Pseudo committing this crime but this level of violence is not seen everyday.

I could feel that same hatred. I know it sound stupid but i knew it at the bottom of my heart, when i walked to the crime scene, that Pseudo killed both of them.

Anyway, gotta leave now that's all i had to write.

PS. I hope i catch this guy soon...

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