Phone Call

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Dani's POV

It was going to happen.

It was over for me, I already knew this much.

It's not like I wanted this, don't think that for a second. It was to protect her. It always was.

He had threatened my best friend’s life. My sister. My role model and the one I always looked up to. The one person who had stuck by me through everything and had always been there every time I needed her. Every single time. Not one person can blame me for listening to him after that.

So yes, I stayed in the abusive relationship because while I was desperate for a solution, I couldn't find one that didn't end worse than this. Every scenario I came up with in my head, he always found a way to get to her. He always got to her first.

Don't try to tell me he wouldn't have either. I know him and I've experienced his rath by what he's done to me and he would have. He would have with no second thought.

So that's how I got here. He's going to kill me in a few minutes, I have no doubt about that. I could call the police but I know we're in the middle of nowhere and they'd never get here in time.

So I slowly inched over to my phone, picked it up and dialed the person I wanted to talk to most.

“Hey Dani,” her voice rang out over the phone.

“Hey Lauren,” I shakily responded, hoping she wouldn't catch on to the panic in my voice.

It took everything in me to not just break down crying right there, to tell her I needed her to save me. But she wouldn't be able to, and she would never forgive herself for that.

So I just kept talking, I wanted a normal conversation with the person who meant most to me. “So what are you up to? You doing something fun? Hanging out with anyone? I just wanted to talk to you.”

I could hear her softly laughing at my rambling on the other end, I'm going to miss making her laugh. I remember when we were around six and eight, we used to sit in her room and stay up all night, laughing at each other and the random videos we could find, just enjoying each other company.

I think I'll miss that most. Just being able to sit in her presence and it calming me down whether I was having a panic attack or just wanting to sit in silence and think. She never questioned it, only reassuring that she's always there if I wanted to talk about whatever's going on.

I usually told her everything. I should have always told her everything. Maybe I wouldn't be here if I did. But I didn't, I didn't tell her about the boy who has destroyed me the last few months and I'll always regret that.

The seconds she took thinking of an answer scared me to say the least, I didn't want her to say she's busy and I didn't want her to leave me.

“I'm just at home watching Netflix, nothing super interesting,” chuckling after. I let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding in, being assured that she wasn't going to leave me for something else.

“Sounds like you're having a blast,” both of us laughing before the comfortable silence fell. I was content to just sit there and listen to her breathing, just to know she was okay, but I knew I should make the most of my last few moments. My last conversation. The last time I'll get to be happy talking to my favorite person.

“Hey, you know you're like my best friend in the entire universe right?” I just wanted to see the smile I hoped I had brought to her face.

“I don't think I quite knew that actually, it's not like you've been my best friend practically since you were born,” I knew she was smiling now, it practically radiating from her words.

“Do you remember that old treehouse we found?” I didn't know what to talk about, I just wanted to talk to her. To hear her voice. Her laugh. Desperately wanting it to last forever.

“Oh my gosh, yes,” she gasped, thinking back to our favorite place to be when we were younger. “We should go check that out later, see if it's even still standing. When will you be home?”

I thought for a moment, I knew I wasn't going to be, I couldn't tell her that though. “Uh, I'll be home a little bit later tonight so maybe not today,” She was going to be disappointing, how much I wish I could prevent that.

She sighed. “Okay, maybe another day then. Do you remember me reading those books to you? Oh my, what was that series called?”

“The Magic Treehouse books,” I reminded her, laughing lightly.

“Oh my, yes, yes, yes,” she reminisced back to the good times we had there, ”I was only around eight, you being six and we would go out there and just read for hours sometimes even until nightfall.”

“You wouldn't even just read them,” the memories flooding my head again, “you would live them with me, we'd the reenact scenes in the treehouse, and sometimes even come up with our own stories when we ran out.”

“I always loved that so much, those were some of my favorite memories.”

The comfortable silence set in, the both of us relieving those childhood moments. There was when we imagined traveling to the prehistoric times, naming our own new species of dinosaurs. Going back to when space travel was first starting up, we were the first astronauts in our heads, as we'd hop around the ground thinking we were on the moon.

One of my favorite ones was when we were stuck in medieval times, we had ruled our own castle together, Lauren had crowned us co-princesses. We had knights in shining armor and had even watched them jousting for our hearts. We wandered the halls of our enormous castle, and explored the streets of the towns below it, Lauren had always made sure I was adored by any and all of our imaginative characters, and I had always enjoyed it more than anything else. I looked forward to just getting to run to our safe spot and feel like it was only the two of us who existed.

“Hey Dani,” her voice called out, even though it seemed like she didn't want to say what was coming next, “Is something wrong? You seem sad or scared even.”

She always knew when something was off with me, she didn't even have to be in the same room to find out, it simply took hearing my voice.

I quickly came up with the same lie I've used every time she's asked what was wrong the last few months, “No I don't think so, just tired is all.”

“Are you sure?”


“Yes Lauren, I'm good, don't worry about me.” I just wanted to assure her, but even more wanted to assure myself.

I knew I had to go, he was coming back. I didn't want to leave her, whether it be in this phone call or leaving her behind in this world. But I knew I had to.

“Hey Laur, I gotta go, I'm sorry.”

“That's okay, I'll see you later.” The tears started silently slipping down my face again, knowing that wasn't entirely true.

“Yeah, for sure. Love you Sugar.”

“Love you too Spice.”

I quickly pulled the phone away from my face, hanging up quickly so she wouldn't hear my sobbing start.

Then everything went black, and doesn't matter how much I didn't want to leave my best friend, I guess I couldn't do much to prevent it. So at least it was a peaceful goodbye. If that even counts as a goodbye.

· · ·

So I'm two chapters in and already killed someone. What a shame, I warned you all though so. Also I don't even really like the scenario of why this is happening but I couldn't word it like I wanted with a different one and it's super short but I wanted it to be realistic on the time constraints. Hope you enjoyed still and you should comment and vote because that'd be cool. :)

Word count: 1329

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