Movie Theater

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AN It's an AU, they're not related, just go to the same school and yes they go to school because that's how I want it to be.

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Lauren's POV

The theater lights are always dimmer on the Monday nights when everyone's last thought is to go see a movie. The most antisocial workers are always working, which is fine because the people who show up are the ones not looking for a conversation. And the popcorn is never any good, yet I still continue to buy it time after time.

It's a routine. Every Monday night the small movie theater in my town plays a rerun of an old popular movie. I've never seen a movie been played twice on these days and the choice of it can range from the early 2000's movies to recent ones that aren't being advertised anymore. I've came for almost all of them every Monday night this year, excluding one night when I had the flu and while I still wanted to go my mom told me I couldn't.

The same employees are always here. Seventeen year old Max, a very smart boy who's always studying because his parents forced him into a job, taking away his time to focus on school as much. Twenty two year old Olivia, she started college a few months ago and while her parents are paying for things, she enjoys the job so she continues to work here. There's also a supposed manager in the back who goes by Cade, I've never actually seen him though.

I couldn't tell you why the theater play movies these nights, seeing how only a few people come everytime and it's a strange occurrence to see someone new, but it has happened.

Tonight the movie playing was Big Hero 6. The movie where the smart kid develops a band of high-tech heros and a lovable robot partner into fighting crime and stopping geniuses and their technology. I don't know if it's an acceptable movie for teenagers to enjoy but I still did the first time I saw it.

I walked into the dark theater to take my seat, I always sit five seats down from the top, right down the middle. I'm generally the first person to get there, usually one of the maximum of five people who show up to these.Yet, today I wasn't. Today there was someone already sitting in my seat, the seat I took weeks planning to be the perfect one. Her first time to one of these showings and she's already discovered the seat I deemed as the best in this theater.

As I walked closer to the girl, her relevance began to hit me. It was Danielle Nicole, popular princess, always being fawned over by both boys and girls. She was said to be the future prom queen at the end of our senior year, and honestly the most beautiful girl I had even seen. I could tell you she's the stereotypical popular teenage girl who thinks she's of higher authority than everyone else, but she's not. She's genuinely down to Earth and has problems of her own too. At least she did.

We were lab partners freshmen year, her popularity grew throughout that year, she had friends in every grade level and everyone knew she was going to be the “it girl” of our class. Yet, while she was friends with every kid in our class she stayed sitting by me, other kids even offered her new seats and she always turned them down, keeping herself positioned with me, the lonely introvert who didn't have many friends.

We haven't even spoken since the end of freshmen year when she hugged me and said she'll see me next year, I've of course seen her since then, in the hallways and cafeteria for the most part. I used to smile at her or even sometimes wave but her friends never would let her be friends with a loser like me. So why did my heart skip a beat seeing her to be the one alone here with me? Maybe I had a small crush on her freshman year and maybe I still do, even though I can only admire her from afar now. But it'll never work. The popular princess and the introverted loner do not get together. Ever.

I don't even think she saw me as I made my way over to a seat two rows behind her to her left. I already knew I wasn't going to be able to focus on the movie when I could be staring at her the entire time with no one noticing.

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