Why Moscow?

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I woke up as the warm, timid rays of Mexican sunshine streamed through the sparse, translucent curtains of my window caressing my face with tenderness. A dozen butterflies began rioting in my stomach so violently that I thought they would burst out of me. 

It was time.

With my eyes still halfway open I took the pregnancy test out of its wrapper and went directly to my small, white-tiled bathroom. I did not even stop to contemplate the quiet Caribbean Sea which normally livened up my mornings with its deep, dark, blue color changing into a bright light turquoise. 

I could not remember being in another situation where a three-minute wait had felt like the longest winter night. The cold tiles on my bathroom’s floor soothed the heat emanating from my agitated body, while my mind took off in a time machine to a future where the most beautiful baby was discovering my nose with his tiny little hands and was looking at me with his shiny eyes wide open in amazement. I could almost smell his sweet scent and my eyes became teary just thinking of the image. 

My phone alarm went off, pulling me back to my anxious present. I slowly walked towards the sink where the plastic artifact was laying with its final verdict. I closed my eyes and filled my lungs with a sigh full of bravery, trying to relax the beating of my heart which seemed to be in cahoots with my butterflies. 

A thin, light, purple line was looking at me sharply from the plain white device as if it were mocking me. I immediately reread the instructions which I had memorized by heart "if two distinct purple bands appear the result is positive."

When I was nineteen years old I decided not to have children. My mom always said it was an immature idea which would change over the years, giving her lots of grandchildren, but at age thirty two, it was still digging deeply in my mind. So, why was I feeling so sad? 

The emotion was so strong that even warm tears started running down my cheeks consorting with the feeling. I wiped them with my shoulders and relief suddenly took over my body. My mom was right.

I left the bathroom with a new determination and turned on my laptop. 

What I did next was not to be forgiven by my boyfriend who would later describe my life as mad and unstable, but I felt it was my last chance. I needed one more crazy adventure, something to snooze my biological alarm clock for a couple of years before becoming a real adult, so I typed in the three words that were about to change my life dramatically "jobs in Russia".

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