The Snake King

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"Ok, I think that's enough training for today," I say to myself and walk over to the railing. Life was going great! Being with the ninjas again, training again, having an incredible new home, not getting into trouble with snakes, and best of all, having my best friend with me.

"Wait. Slow down. I have a package for Sensei Wu!" a man cried out, holding out a box on a bike-cycle-powered flying bike. I ran to the bridge and had Nya slow down a little, then ran to the mailman.

"H-here you go, I'll be off" I watched the mailman fly off, then ran and gave the box to Sensei Wu. Then we walk into the dining room with everyone just chatting.

"--thunderclap to his ears. Then, when he's stunned, I'll disarm him." Lloyd says; I just giggled.

"You're thinking far too much into this," I giggled.

"Too late, he's already hypnotized you, and now you're under his control," Cole says.

"Or he's already put you into a squeeze," Zane says.

"Or spites on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff." Kai says, making me laugh.

"Still hilarious," I laugh as Kai glares at me.

"Ah, uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asks as we all look at Sensei Wu.

"Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you four carelessly lost." Sensei answers.

"Hey, no, no, no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it." Jay says

"I don't see very much of a difference," I say as Jay glares at me.

"Whatever the case, without it, I fear we have nothing to combat their powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger." Sensei says worriedly.

"Don't worry. I've almost reached my full potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need and magic flute," Cole says.

"You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Ha-ha! Don't make me laugh." Kai says.

"Oh, for the love, here we go again." I sigh and facepalm.

"I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja," Zane says.

"Oh! The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird." Jay says.

"That's a little rude," I say and look at Wu with pleading eyes and mouthed, 'please make it stop.'

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Lloyd says and walks over to me and looks at the box. "What's in the box," Lloyd asks.

"Your new uniforms," Sensei says and pushes the box over to the boys, and they get excited and grab their uniforms.

"Whoa! They've got like armor," Jay says.

"I love the gold highlights," Kai says.

"Battle claws," Cole exclaims.

"The material is really light and breathable," Zane says.

"I'm happy you like them." I clap my hands together happily. "I had them change the fabric, and Sensei added the armor to them."

"Oh. Nothing for us?" Lloyd asks sadly.

"Oh, um. You get, uh, the box?" Sensei says as the alarm goes off, and we run to the bridge.

"Sorry to break up the moment, boys, but a small fraction of our slithering friends is stirring up trouble over at Mega-Monster Amusement Park," Cole says.

Sliver Heart (Lloyd X reader) [1]Where stories live. Discover now