The Beginning.

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I did not hatch the way normal dragons did.

I was not greeted by the familiar smell of my mother, or father, in this case.

Instead, i was greeted with voices of something else.

As soon as i crawled out of my black egg, rough skin picked me up while i was still trying to open my eyes.

"So this is the offspring of Lightning and Death itself, is it?" A deep voice mocked. I cringed as someone grabbed my tail. I called out and felt something warm trickle down my body.

"Awwwww look at it! Its Crying!" 


"Does the itty-Bitty baby want it's Mommy?" 

More Laughter.

"Well guess what, She is dead!"

I mewed and felt another warm droplet roll down my body. I didn't know what these strange people were saying, but it sounded hurtful. I twisted my head around, trying to open my eyes. These strange things we're hurting me in a way i never thought was possible. I mewed sorrowfully and opened my mouth.

Something hard and cold was wedged in my mouth, and then pain flared all throughout my body as someone pulled something out of my mouth. I cried out in pain as blood started to wash down my throat.

"Well look 'ere? A Night Fury Tooth? That isn't something you see every day. How 'bout we have a little fun with this fella' before capin' want's us to put 'em away?" A new, smooth voice said.

The next thing i knew, i was prodded with something sharp right in my wing. I screamed and thrashed about, trying to wriggle free of the iron grip my capturer had.

I heard someone answer my call, but the sound was so distant, so vague, that I just screamed again.

More poke's and prod's were placed all over my body, and soon i was a mess of blood and tears, not that i could see. Every poke was agony, and once in a while, someone would throw me on the floor and stomp on my tail.

Laughter rang through my ears, and all i could do was cry and scream. I felt something in my tail snap as someone trod on my tail with so much force that I probably woke up the whole island with my screaming. 

I choked on my own blood, and managed to open my eyelid a tiny bit. Strange people stood around me, all carrying long prongy things that was covered with my blood. I looked down and thought my scales we're red because of all my blood, before a caught a glimpse of black among the forbidding red. 

All the men wore dragon scale helmet's, and red shirts. Iron pendants hung around their necks, each saying something in Norse. 

I begun to feel dizzy, as the world swam further out and inwards.

I closed my eyes again and let the world drift away, the men still laughing in my ears.

I groaned and opened my eyes.

I sat up and looked at my body. Fly's zoomed around the biggest cut, the one on my foreleg, and sucked up my dark red blood. Of course the men didn't heal me,  I realised. They are too dumb to even know their faces from their behinds.

I grimaced and looked to my right, where a dragon that looked like me sat silently in the darkest corner of her cage. Her white scales glinted in the early morning light, and swirls of pink dotted along her wings and body.

She managed to look dignified and scared at the same time, don't ask me how. I immediately liked her right away, from her curved wings to her padded paws. She turned her head to me, and blinked large, blue eyes at me.

"You need a bath." She noted, and i nodded. I opened my mouth to speak.

"Thanks." I managed to say, after a second of trying to put my tongue in the right place to speak. This new way of talking was both terrifying and exiting, as if I was learning a secret. "Do you know... Where... We are?" I said slowly.

She blinked again.

"We are at Auction Island." She said.

"Ah..." I said, as if i totally knew where that was. It felt good sitting next to her. I wanted to be there every second of every day. I wanted to be there when she was sad, to give her fish when she was stressed, and to dance with her when she was happy. Most importantly, I wanted to know her name.

"Whats... Your name?" I blurted.

She flashed a toothy smile.

"Im Luna, who are you?"


I feel like a whole weight got lifted off my shoulders. I try to update tommorow, but its a school day. Anyways, hope you like it! BAIIIIII

A Night To RememberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz