They are Coming!

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As the day wore on, I realised that Luna had received the same treatment that I had. She had long slashes along her back and one on her wing, it hurt me to see her like this.

When I finally got healed, I studied my cage.

It was made of Dragonproof iron, and the gaps were so small i could barely fit my leg through one. The only place that wasn't caged was the floor. If I tried to Dig, i would surely make it, I thought. I looked at Luna's cage, and she had no iron plates on the floor either. Maybe we could dig through the ground and make it out.

"Luna. Psst!" I whispered, since it was Night and there was a large guard in front of our cages. She glared at me.

"What?" She whisper- Shouted. I could, in the dim light, see thin trails of smoke coming from her nose. Oop's. I made her angry.

"Can we dig through the floor?" I asked, and drew a circle in the dirt. Luna shook her head. 

"Don't you think dragon's have tried? They have- Wait, what are you doing?" 

I was already digging through the ground, the thick substance sticking to my claws. A dungbeetle hit me in the face a few times, and the weird worm-like creatures with a thousand legs scurried over my claws as i kept grabbing at the dirt.

I dug down, down, down, then up, up ,up and when I saw a patch of light, i wasted no time to burst out into the open. I shook the dirt off my wings and looked at Luna, who was gaping.

"How... Did you do that?" She whispered.

I shrugged. "I just dug." Luna blinked Blue eyes at me.

"There's an Iron plate in the ground! Didn't you see it?" She said, her voice gradually growing louder. I blinked slowly and shook my head. In the corner of my eye, I saw the sun was slowly rising above the treetops.

She frowned and dug her claws into the ground. I saw her shiver as she started to dig.

I turned around and saw a adult terrible terror staring at me with yellow soulless eyes. I groaned and walked to its cage. As i started to dig, i heard the Terror say something. "Thankyou. Name's Shivertail." The Terror muttered, glancing at the guard who had miraculously not noticed what was going on behind him.

"No problem. My names Nightshade." I replied. Luna had given me the name when we had our meal. We both got fish, but mine was a little hairy. I ate it up anyway, because I was absolutely starving. Chewy, I had thought as I bit into the scaley flesh. I ended up playing with the head, because the way the dead fishes eye rolled was considered to me 'funny'.

When I dug a hole just big enough for Shivertail to climb through, I stepped back and watched him scurry out. Oh, now was a good time to describe him. He had yellow eyes and purple scales, with a underbelly of light blue. As the sun rose his scales might have been considered an eye sore.

I blinked and looked behind me.

Luna stood right behind me with the expression that would melt ice. I yelped and covered my mouth.

Too late.

Men were already shouting and coming around the cages to see what made the noise. "Fools! We have to get out of here now!" Shivertail hissed. He started to run in a random directions as dragon's roared behind us. 

"Get me out of here!" Some of them called, while other's hollered, "Run for it! Their catching up! Don't fall over!"

Luna ran beside me. I dodged a nearby branch and rolled under a vine. "Why *Pant* Are we *Pant* Taking along *Pant* random dragon's now?" Luna said to me as she beat her wings over a branch. I didn't answer. Crashing thundered behind us, as shouting rang in my ears like bell's.

We reached the end of the patch of trees and burst out into the open. I barely had time to stop as a cliff was hurled into my view. I stamped on my brakes before I reached the end. Shivertail was already in the air, beating his little wings.

"Come on! Flap those wings!" He said, and Luna leapt into the air. She joined him and they both started chanting my name. I looked at the drop and gulped. If I missed a beat, I would die. If I stayed on the island, I would die. If I actually managed to get into the air, I would surely drop from exhaustion over the ocean.

Not exactly a win-win situation here.

I closed my eyes, braced myself and leapt into the air...

(??? POV)

It was Night.

Just the way I like it, the dragon thought. I soared over the ocean, my wings twitching freely to help me stay up. The tear in my wing was annoying, but I got used to it after a while. 

I sniffed the air. Is that a Night Fury?

I grinned, and spotted a small white dot flying below me, flapping it's wings franticly. It took me a little longer to spot two more dot's. One was a deep purple, while the other was pitch black.

The white dot looked at the black one. "We're... Almost... There." The white dot said. The black dot said nothing, it's eyes was fixed on the little island in front of them. All three of them collapsed on the beach, and started to breath deeply.

Now that they we're on the beach, I could see their shapes more clearly.

A Adult Terrible Terror, a Baby Light Fury, and a Baby Night Fury, I noted. This is going to be fun. I smirked as I soared in circles above them. I then lifted my head to the sky and roared, my voice echoing around all the cliffs and islands that were near me. People would tremble at the noise, Being too frightened to move. The unique call, one of a kind.

The Hunting call of a Night Fury.


I love this chapter. Im still trying to get The Night Fury's design right. I may make him appear 2-5 chapters from now. Hope y'all like it! BAIIIII!!!

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