What ARE you?!

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(Luna's POV)

I yelled out as blue talon's encircled Nightshade and dragged him under the water. I saw him thrashing about under the surface before everything wen't still.

"Nightshade!" I cried. My heart tugged painfully at the thought of him drowning... No... It can't happen... Tears started to form in my eyes. I scowled and dug my face in the water. It pressed against my vision, and when I opened my eyes, all I saw was a salmon staring at me like, 'What are you doing here? Get out of my way!' I blinked at it and lifted my head out the water. Shivertail was hovering nearby, glancing at the water every second.

"We have to get out here NOW. If those things come back, we are goners." He said. I looked at the water again.

"No. Im not leaving without him!" I yelled. Shivertail looked at a cloud and then at me and then at the cloud again. He muttered something and landed.

"What are we going to do?"

(Nightshade POV)

Everything hurt.

The first thing I realised is that I was being dragged across the ground. Sharp rocks dug into my underbelly and spiked my fin's. A bag thing was over my head, and strong talon's gripped my tail. A sliding noise could be heard, and a occasional click or humm from my capturer.

I tried to reach up to the bag on my head, but my talon's were bound roughly.  

"Wayyroot?" Said a dragon. I froze. What the heck was that?

"Askadalph. Ere ralphe yuor Evermot." Another voice said. I had no clue what they were saying. 

My mind sluggishly tagged along and a groaned loudly. The noises stopped.

"Erra... He is awake... Permission to knock him out again?" The first voice said, partly in dragon. There was still the click and humm, my ears pricking.

"Permission Ahakal." The last word trailed on for a bit, like a hiss from a snake. Before I could think anything else, the same thing knocked me on the head roughly and the world was swallowed by darkness.

***About and hour later***

I awoke later when I heard a noise of a door creaking open. My ears pricked and I was too tired to open my eyes again. My nose was clogged with the smell of seaweed. A moment later, strong talons gripped my tail and dragged me away.

A rocky feeling dragged along in my scales, stinging my claws and making my wings snag painfully on a stone. A slight crack could be heard. I think my wing broke.

It seemed like hours i was dragged along, too long for me to worry about what is happening.

Is Luna okay? I hope she is... Where am I? Are my friends captured too? I thought I drowned... These dragons are by far the worst I have ever met!

My worries spiralled in my head, making my heard tug painfully at the thought of being so far away from my friends... Luna especially.  When we finally stopped, the bag was flung off my head and I was kicked into a hole. 

For a few seconds I fell through the air, my worries disappearing with the thought of 'HOLY CRAP IM GOING TO DIE AAAARGH!' I finally landed, but on stone. 

I groaned from the deadly impact . My eyelids tugged painfully and I shivered as I felt the same rocky feeling slither into my scales again. My wings were bound, and my talons were trapped in a metal contraption. A metal wire was tied tightly around my neck, and I coughed.

"Another one. He looks young." Said a female voice. I opened my eyes, but all I could see was darkness.

"Seems so. Is he dead?" Said another.

"Don't know." Answered the first voice.

"Well, he's blinking! You Idiots grab him some water and chuck it on his head!" Growled another raspy voice. I looked in the direction of the voices. The room looked like it was dimly lit, although a blueish shape stood in front of me. Another shape stood in a corner, muttering some harsh words.

A wave of pain rushed over me, I opened my mouth in a soundless scream as another voice spoke, this time filled with anxiety. "Help him! He is is pain!" The new voice cried. Water washed over my face and head, seeping into my scales and wings. I jolted upright with a yelp. My vision had been restored to me, and i was able to look around the large cave. A small pool of water sat in a corner, and several nests were made around the cave. I managed to spot four ebony eggs in one. Two torches were placed on each side of the cave, each lit by a single small blue flame. Small bones of what looked like salmon was littered around in the middle of the cave, and bloodstains were visible there. My stomach growled loudly and I licked my nose in hunger.

It took me a few more seconds to see several pair of eyes staring at me. 4 of them were blue, and the rest (5 pairs) were green. I looked at the closest dragon near me, a female dark blue dragon, which looked about the same age as me. 

Another dragon had an old scar trailing down one eye, and that eye was whiteish from probably being blind. His snout was stuck in a permanent scowl, and his scales were black dappled with spots of grey. Another male, grey with spots of green jade along his wings, was staring at him with a worried expression, twining his talons together. His expression said a lot of, 'Oh my gosh! Is he okay? I hope he is. The guards dragged him in roughly. Oh, I hope he is okay!'. And in one of the nests, curled around the eggs was a female black dragon, black scales from head to tail. I din't know how I didn't spot her when I was looking at the nests.

It took me a few more seconds to figure out what they all were. Grey or black scales, blue flames, Ebony coloured eggs... They were all...


My head is dead.

I have had so much school work, even if it is the last day of school holidays. My head is spinning with mathematics i have to do for my teacher. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this! Took me a while to complete it! BYE!

And does anyone was their night fury character in this? Comment and I will pick only ONE! This chance will be going on for a while.... BYE AGAIN!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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