~Whispers taunting, All the things you said~

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Alois Trancy

Now why on earth did that name sound so familiar? The mere thought of it filled me with an odd sense of warmth and security- but also of sorrow and regret. But why? I frowned at myself in the reflection of the mirror. Combing my hands softly through my hair.
"So. What's going on with you and the lord?" Mey-Rin asked, grinning slightly, snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes wandered from my reflection, to hers. I watched as the stiffened up.
"Eh. I'm sorry. It really isn't my place."
I sigh, and turn to face the young maid.
"No. It's alright." I reply, with a soft smile.
"It would be nice to have at least one person to talk things through with."
She breathes a sigh of relief, as I twitch my lip, unsure of really, What to say.
"This isn't right"
The thought made its way into my head. I stand abruptly, causing the clumsy maid to topple backward onto the ground with a thud. I gasp, bending down next to her, muttering profuse apologies, as I help her up.
"Come." I say, as soon as she's upright.
"Let's talk."


"So it worked?" I asked Sebastian in a monotone voice.
"Indeed." He replied, a slight smile playing at his lips.
"As long as she wears that ring, the mere mention of that name will send her into a fit of pain, preventing any chance of her regaining her memories."
"And what happens if she takes the ring off?" I ask.
"She won't be doing that. I'll personally make sure she doesn't."
I exhale, and shift my gaze away from the butler's red eyes.
"I'm doing the right thing, aren't I? She was in pain, and she came to me to stop that pain. It's better this way-"
"I'm just following your orders young master."

-Y/N's POV-

"And then he gave me this ring." I say, with a smile, holding up my right hand.
"That's very pretty, my lady." She cooes, the shine reflecting on the lens of her circular glasses.
"It is, isn't it?" I sigh, pulling my hand back, and admiring it. I twist it so the gemstone is perfectly centered.
"I've never been in a relationship meself, I haven't." Mey-Rin comments.
"This-..." I pause a moment to think about my response
"This is my first..." I say, trying to think. No... that wasn't right... but... Up till now, Ciel was the only thing I could remember. His face clouded my brain. I didn't remember a time I wasn't here in his estate, when I wasn't with him. But that couldn't be right. Why else would that name from earlier have such a big effect on me... that name... what was it? That name...

I'd never felt happier than in that moment. My fingers intertwined with his, as we twirled around the empty ballroom, laughing and talking together. I close my eyes as I was spun around. I never wanted this feeling to end. This was true love. I opened my eyes and looked into the face of my partner. But there was nobody there. It was just me. Alone, In a room of darkness.

"My lady?"
I blinked. Mey-Rin stared at me, eyes filled with concern.
"Are you alright? Your face went blank and you where unresponsive- I thought you might be passing out."
I look at her, mouth slightly agape. What had that been? That vision? It felt so vivid, yet so...
I swallowed and shook my head.
"I'm fine. No. Ciel is my first and only relationship."
I lean forward to grab the maid's hands.
"But you'll find someone too, Mey-Rin. It's only a matter of time!"
"I don't know about that." She says, with a blush. Then frowns.
"You said The young lord was your first, but then what-..."
"My lady."
I jump, as the soft voice of Sebastian enters the room, cutting Mey-Rin off.
"May I escort you to the garden? My young master has requested you join him for tea." He says, with a bow.
I look towards Mey-Rin.
"Hold on one moment, Sebastian, Mey-Rin, what is it you where about to say?" I ask, curiously. She looks from me to Sebastian.
"I don't mean to rush you, but the young master is very impatient, so if you'd please save your conversation for a later time and come with me. I'm sure you and Mey-Rin can pick up from where you started later on this afternoon, right Mey-Rin?"
Mey-Rin jumps up and brushes her skirt off.
"Y-yes. Goodbye Y/N" she says, and exits the room. Sebastian looks at me, as I slowly stand.
"I do apologize, but young master does not like to be kept waiting." He repeated. I nod, pressing my lips together, as he leads me out of the room and into the hallway. Something bugged me about the conversation I'd just had. That vision, and the uncertainty and... what had Mey-Rin been about to say? It seemed important. I fidgeted my hands as I followed Sebastian to the garden, fingers pinching at the ring, twisting and turning it. I couldn't shake the feeling.... something about this whole situation wasn't right.

I wonder if anyone will read this

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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