I Bite, You Scream; Now There's No Turning Back.

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Amelia Walker was just an ordinary Australian eighteen year old, attending the University of Western Australia to become a child psychologist, but with a drug dealing violent Father and a severe bipolar Mother achieving her goals are harder than most people around her realised.

All Amelia ever wanted was to get away from the violence and mayhem, to get her degree, move away, end up married with children who didn't know what true torture was.

But what Amelia doesn't realise is that, her nightly jog in the bush near her home, is going to make staying away from violence and mayhem, near impossible.


There air around me was bitter cold, the wind blew straight through my old woolen jumper, my breath came out in little white clouds in front of my face as I ran; it was my nightly ritual, going for a jog through the bush land that resided behind my house. I always felt more at ease out here, in the darkness, the sky a perfect inky blue-black, with star splattered across it in an enchanting way. I weaved through trees, leapt over large rocks in my path, listening to the sounds of crickets and grasshoppers not even frightened by my heavy foot fall. My extremely long blonde curls were out of their usual bun, flowing freely in the wind as I set my pace, my eyes darting around, keeping a look out for anything that could potentially hurt me.

When I finally reached the clearing, I bent over my knees, inhaling sharp, shaky breaths, staring at the ground while I did; I had run this time, wanting to run somewhere no-one would ever find me, where no-one would be brave enough to hurt me. My fingers gently pressed my right side, wincing as I touch the worst part where I was kicked repeatedly, I glared angrily at a stone; there was debt, there was always debt, and I was always the demonstration of what would happen if the debt wasn't paid. I punched a tree that was behind me, focusing all my rage on it, and I instantly felt like a huge idiot, I hissed in pain, my throbbing knuckles were now bloody and stinging like hell.

"That wasn't very nice," a deep, hard, voice said from behind me, "what did the tree ever do to you?"

I spun, my fists clenching, getting ready to fight my way out of whatever situation I had found myself in, to find a man with bright red hair standing there, his eyes literally glowing in the darkness, a dark smile was settled on his lips and the one thing that stood out in the darkness was his scary good looks. "Look, pal, I don't want any trouble-"

He laughed, "What makes you think I care what you want?"

I back pedalled, scrutinizing the man in front of me, "What happens now then?"

"Aren't you going to ask who I am? Isn't that the normal question?"

"I'm not normal." I replied coldly, I wanted to get this over with, if he was going to kill me he better do it now, before I decide kicking his teeth in is a better idea.

His head tilted to the left, "No, you're not, are you?" his deep voice was soft, but not in a good way. Suddenly, he was in front of me, "I want you to listen to me very carefully, my dear, you came out on an exceptionally bad night for a human. You see, it's full moon and you're in the bush, very far in the bush, might I add."

Frowning at his closeness, I asked, "Okay, so what exactly, do you plan on doing to me? Kill me? Fine, do it. Rape me? Sure, wouldn't be the first time. Beat me? HA! I wouldn't even flinch. Nothing you do to me will matter, so just... do it!" I shouted the last two words.

he smirked evilly at me and whispered, "Oh, believe me, dear, this will matter. But here's what's going to happen: I bite, you scream and then? Then, there's no turning back."

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