Shove Your Pack.

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I awoke in a warm bed, with fluffy pillows under my head and an aching body; I wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep for the next million years, but now that I felt the pain in my body, I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes trying to wipe away all the tiredness I felt, but stopped when I heard something, freezing in place I listened intently, I could here a loud thud-thud thud-thud, from somewhere off to my left. I tilted my head, my eyes still closed, I could here other sounds too, kids running and playing, teachers calling for order, cars, birds, trees rustling, people walking and talking-

"It's overwhelming, isn't it?" that voice, I knew that voice! My head snapped to my left, my eyes popping open wide as I took in the man beside my bed; he was at least twenty-three, he had short black hair, blue-green eyes, an olive complexion, broad shoulders, and a rather large frame, not overly so, but big enough for you to do a double take.

I gulped a few times, trying to make my dry throat stop hurting, "What is?" I asked in a whisper.

He smiled, "The sounds, smells, ecetera."

Practically at his command I sampled the air around me, to regret it instantly, my nose had just taken a beating from every smell in the world, it felt like; crinkling my nose I patted it with both hands, trying to make the scents go away, it hurt at how much there was in my nose.

"Yeah, you get used to that." the stranger said simply.

Frowning, I asked, "Get used to what, exactly? What is it that I'm supposed to be becoming accustomed to? I don't even know your name." adding the last part in a whisper, knowing that somehow he could hear me.

The dark haired stranger leant forward, holding out his hand, "My name is Tyrone Lycainius."

I ducked my head, taking his hand, and instead of replying I gasped, sparks flew from his hand into mine and all the way up my arm, I withdrew my hand quickly, wiping it on the bedding. "Amelia Walker. Thank you for saving my life last night."

Tyrone gave a slightly guilty look and replied softly, "That was two nights ago, Amelia."

"What?!" I shouted, "Are you kidding me?!" How could I have been asleep for two nights?

He shook his head solemnly, "I'm not, and I am so sorry this happened to you, Amelia, I really am, but what's done, is done, and I think you should know what is happening to you." I nodded slowly, not really knowing what to say, Tyrone seemed to understand and pushed on, "That man in the clearing, wasn't just a man, but you've probably figured that one out for yourself." I nodded again, "That man's name was Scott Jolland, he was a werewolf, the Beta in our pack."

I watched him for a second, before I burst out laughing, "Werewolf? Oh, good one! Oh, I needed that, thank you! You knew I was freaking-" I was cut off by the deadly look he was giving me, I swallowed hard, "You were kidding, right? I mean, that was a joke, right? He wasn't really a werewolf because there's no such thing..." my voice trailed off as I stared into his now luminous red eyes, he smiled and showed me that both his bottom and upper canines had lengthened into sharp white fangs. I gasped, clapping my hand to my mouth, if the man who bit me was a werewolf then did that mean..? "Am I a werewolf?"

Tyrone shot me a sympathetic look, "Yes."

"But," I started, "I don't want to be a killer..."

"We're not killers." Tyrone stated firmly, it was obvious my implacation had offended him.

I dipped my head again, "Sorry. So, how does this work? Can I turn at anytime? Anywhere? Is full moon turning compulsary? Do I turn into a wolf or half and half?"

I Bite, You Scream; Now There's No Turning Back.Where stories live. Discover now