idol meeting

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a/n: hello my darlings! because I wrote a chapter based on a story I wrote, I decided I would post the whole story so you can read my crappy writing. yay! (disclaimer: it's written in Ringo's view since it's a Beatles and queen crossover).

I nearly broke my bed as I sprang out of it, practically travelling at the speed of light. I had to be up early to transport my drums to the venue for the concert. But this wasn't a normal concert. I, Ringo Starr, will be performing with my idols - queen - in a few hours. John is going to drive Paul, George and me to the venue.

It took about an hour to get to our destination. (I'm surprised we even got there with john's dangerous driving) but I was evidently the most excited out of us four to meet them. Paul was excited to meet Freddie most of all, but I couldn't wait to drum with Roger Meddows Taylor. I could already tell it would be confusing due to there being two Johns; John Deacon and John Lennon, but we'd cross that bridge when we came to it.

When | came face to face with them, I lost all my senses.

" Are you okay darling?" Freddie enquired, as I realised I'd zoned out.

"I'm okay thanks." I quickly replied and walked off with Roger to set up our drums.

Just as Roger and I had finished setting up, Brian May called us for our fish and chips. I tucked into my Haddock as the audience would start coming into the concert in 10 minutes. George was still in a big mood because someone ate his biscuits, presumably Yoko, as she had a habit of eating his food. John gave him a confused look as to why George was upset. I mouthed "biscuits" John simply rolled his eyes and smiled at the fact that his own wife still steals George's food.

All was going smoothly, until we had finished "Hello, Goodbye". George suddenly ran at Freddie and threw his guitar at the unsuspecting man. The audience let out a surprised gasp as Freddie let out a scared squeal as he landed on the floor accompanied by George's shoutings of:


It was then that I saw the biscuit wrapper in Freddie's trouser pocket.

Roger and I ran from our drums, Roger was trying to help Freddie up as I managed to pull George off of the top of him. John Deacon was struggling under the weight of Paul McCartney, who was screaming and jumped into his arms as soon as the chaos started, whilst the other John was trying and failing, to get Paul out of his arms. Brian just stood to the side and watched, looking very forlorn and confused at the chaos before him.

The crowd were let out of the venue whilst brian guided Freddie to the first aid tent with the rest of us following behind, very confused and angry at George for ruining the show - which luckily he apologised for.

Freddie had a black eye and John Deacon had a pulled back from Paul almost squashing him.

But all was resolved.

I never thought meeting my idols would turn out this way.

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