• The Fate That Was Planned •

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Because of the same reason, his ex-wife.



It was a busy Sunday afternoon and our house was full of chaos as it was Aditya and my last day at the Hooda mansion. We were moving to The United States of America. Aditya wanted a house we could call our own in a country I liked. I've always loved Paris but once after I went to the USA with Aditya when he was flying a plane, we did a detour in our free time and I felt I could live here one day and when I mentioned it to Aditya, he happily agreed as it was in his mind too.

Since morning Mummyji has been helping me pack my clothes in this red colour luggage bag Papa brought yesterday as a parting gift. Mummyji was advising me not to panic about moving away from our country & our people while she was helping me. When she got to know me first, she wasn't happy to accept me as her son's best friend. In fact due to the weird connection Aditya and my relationship was built upon, nobody believed we would become best friends and later on soulmates. Back in the day Mummyji used to taunt me but Aditya was there for me every time.

Eventually with my our Marriage, Mummyji realized that I wasn't a gold digger wife nor a curse to her family as she implied indirectly but an independent woman who loves her son immensely that I would go to any extent to save him from any danger. Mummyji and her developing trust on me today was converted to a huge bag of Winter Coats I could take with me to the USA. I told her that I don't need anything from Papa or her but their blessings. But parents are parents.

Abbu and Ammi were bound to reach Hooda Mansion during lunch time and Noor was in the kitchen while Aditya and Arjun had gone to Papa's law firm.

"Zoya, I've packed Kurta's and Jeans in this bag and I hope you've taken the Coats I brought?"

"Thanks a lot Mummyji and no, I haven't forgotten to pack the Coats. Anyway please get some rest Mummyji. Now that everything is done, I wouldn't want you to feel tired."

Mummyji walked towards me and kissed my forehead.

"I'll get to know where your parents have reached and I'm planning to prepare your favourite Gajar Ka Halwa today. You love my handmade dish right? Anyway why don't you get some rest too beta? You've a long flight to catch tonight and it'll be tiresome once you get down the plane if you didn't get some rest. Take a nap and I'll wake you up when your parents come, OK?"

I nodded and Mummyji left the room. Just then my focus fell on the big book shelf near the sofas. Aditya built it as per my request and smiling to myself, I walked towards it. Examining my favourite novels one by one, I realized that I had to take all these precious memories to the USA so that I can read them whenever I had time.

I walked near our closet and took out the White backpack Ammi bought from Mussoorie once. I've never used it as it was very large but today it came in handy. Suddenly I noticed something shining behind the TV as I walked near the book shelf with the bag. Placing the bag on the sofa, I slowly put my hand behind the TV Stand and touched the wires crumpled on the floor and saw something rectangular in shape, tangled between the wires. I slowly disentangled the wires which were covered with dust and took out the material which was 'an Envelope'. It was pink in colour and sealed. My curiosity developed with each second. I cleaned the dust away and without any delay, rushed towards the door and closed it, applying the lock and came to sit on the bed.

Once I opened the envelope, I noticed that the letter inside it was written in cursive language. I could figure out few words though the paper was folded and when I closely observed, 'Adi', 'with my own hands', 'he was special' were what I could read out and I felt numb instantly. I turned the envelope slowly to see to whom it's addressed to with a beating heart and read out in bold letters; 'To Her one day..'.

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