There are baffling surprises in the tunnel

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Chapter 7

Ebuke was the focus of attention for Eddie and Ollie. The next morning, they gulped down breakfast eagerly awaiting their visit to old Judas Hugglebottom.
They'd hardly slept that night excitedly wanting to hear more about the Pettapedes' entry into the world of the Thorsotate People.

They found Judas ambling around his shabby shack home. Gnarled fingers clasped a battered old tin mug with Old Judas slowly sipping the contents. Probably, hot water poured onto any edible herb related plant found in the woodland.

From Judas's long-standing experience with nature, he'd know what could be eaten and what couldn't. The little fire beyond his shack was smouldering and on last embers - he had boiled his water for now, collected from the misshapen old tin rain bucket. His lovely purple blue eyes widened as he spotted the boys.
Judas beckoned them to sit inside and listen to the continuation of his legendary story. Eddie and Ollie needed no persuasion and leaped onto the yellowing flattened grass, bottom bumped down and anxiously awaited Judas to begin.

"The glaring green light loomed larger as General Gallisum and his charges approached. They crept with much caution along the tunnel, which by now glowed in green hue. It felt like a suffocating cloak wrapped around them. The General raised his arm signalling his army to wait. There was a faint distant regular thudding sound, as if in beating rhythm. He decided that his charges should continue. The light became blinding. 

Although bedazzled, the Pettapedes loyally followed their trusting leader into the unknown.The Pettapedes pursued their slow low manoeuvres, the noise of stomping became more intense. The fog of dazzling green light surrounding them slightly diminished. Very gradually they moved through. The rays of green light began to widen and spread. In the far distance were bewildering outlines which puzzled the General. On closer approach the Pettapedes had clearer vision.

Shwig shwig; Shwig shwig; Shwig shwig; Chins up; Chests out." An ARMY OF TROOPS in two wide formation were exercising military disciplines.

The Pettapedes were baffled by fluorescent green outlines, bouncing and moving along in line. On closer investigation the strange vision turned out to be edging of helmets belonging to a battalion of soldiers. They were obeying commands from their DRILL MASTER. The sounds of crushing rock fragments under countless boots echoed through the deep underpass.

The General and his charges crept along keeping a hairs breadth from the cavernous walls. They pursued with watchfulness. The noise of the Stomp stomp; Thud thud; Shwig shwig becoming more intense as each step of the Pettapedes was taken.

Through the verdant light General Gallisum signalled STOP by raising his hand – there were important tunnel visions. Remember, through exceptional powers, only the Pettapedes could see each other whilst remaining invisible to others.
They came to a grinding halt as the soldiers appeared to be marching towards them. On assessing the scene, the General noticed that on his left side there was the beginning of another tunnel branching and bending away to the left. He held his Pettapedes still. They watched as the army marched towards and in front of them, diverting their course by entering the other tunnel. Tunnel visions of vivid green outline of helmets less visible as the soldiers marched away.

Shwig shwig; Shwig shwig; Shwig shwig;"

General Gallisum instructed his charges to "up" their speed and follow the same direction. After span of time, a vast openness appeared in the distance. Reflecting into the tunnel was yet more eerie green glow. The Pettapedes proceeded with care.

There was a quiet, a hushed still atmosphere. The soldiers had disappeared. Soon the army found themselves enshrouded with more green light.

"Shwig shwig; Shwig shwig; Shwig shwig;"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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