Chapter 12

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"I wasn't sure if I should wake you, since you were sleeping like you were dead to the world!" the woman giggled. "But now you're here and that's great!"

They heard the woman walking closer and Jack stood in front of his siblings, all three weren't moving.
"Don't." Jack whispered to his brother and sister.

"The breakfast isn't ready yet, but I'm already on it!" said the sweet voice again.
Suddenly, the voice changed into a little more sad tone. "Oh Jack, you're not trusting me? That's understandable, of course, after everything you three been through."

Jack gasped sharply. "How do you kn—"

"Oh, I can read other people's minds! Just like my brother!" she said, her voice having a cheerful tone again. "You don't have to be afraid, by the way!"

Myron's mouth fell open.
"Read minds?!" he whisper shouted.

"That's right!" Holly said and then stepped in front of them.

All three of them gasped.
She looked like their mother, only that she had red hair instead of brown hair.

Holly laughed. "You look like you've seen a ghost! Come on, I'll show you were the kitchen is."
Then she waved them over to her and the siblings followed her to the kitchen through the pastel pink corridor.

The kitchen had many shades of light, pastel blue. It seemed as if Holly had a colour for each room.

"I already bought bread this morning, so the breakfast is going to be rea—" she inhaled sharply. "I'm so sorry! I haven't introduced myself yet! Maybe you already saw my name on the little note I wrote for you, but I'll say it again—I'm Holly!"

"I'm Jack, that's Alma and—" Jack began to say.
"Oh, silly! I already know your names!" Holly interrupted him.
Then she waved to the table. "You can sit down if you want!"

Jack, Alma and Myron walked over to the table and sat down. There were many chairs, as if there were usually more people in this house.

"Oh, you're wondering why there are so many chairs? Well, sometimes there are more people visiting me. But now there are just three!" Holly explained and giggled again.

It was this extreme happiness Holly was shining with, which made Jack confused. He never saw somebody this happy and nice.

"How often do people visit you?" Alma wanted to know.
"Not really often..." Holly's tone of voice became a little sad, but then changed again. "So I'm really glad that you are here right now!"
"We have to leave soon, though." said Jack.
"But until then I'm sure we'll have a great time here!" Holly said cheerfully, went over to a row of counters and started preparing things.

"I think she's nice!" said Alma and Myron nodded in agreement.
"Yes, but don't you think she's acting a little—too happy?" said Jack, but his siblings shook their heads.

Holly started putting down plates and silverware on the table. "I guess I'm just a happy person!"

Jack hummed in response and crossed his arms. His will to trust strangers has gone down in the last days.


After having breakfast, they sat and talked to each other.
Except for Jack.
Instead of talking, he was staring at the window.

A little white bird was sitting on the windowsill. It was not just any bird, it was August.

That bloody pigeon.

Jack stood up from his chair.
"I'll go for a walk." he said and walked over to the door.
He didn't want to leave his siblings alone here with Holly, but it would only be for some minutes.
"But don't go too far away, you hear? I promised to take good care of you and your siblings." Holly said and Jack nodded, then went outside.

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