Chapter 13

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Jack woke up screaming, causing his siblings to wake up too.

„Jack?..." Myron said, but he was only half awake. And Jack wasn't responding at all.

He was shaking uncontrollably, trying to move somewhere else, but he didn't know where to move to.
Jack was whimpering and saying words Alma and Myron couldn't quite understand.
It was as if something was following him and he wanted to escape, but that something was everywhere.
Jack's chest was swiftly moving up and down.
He was having a panic attack.

Right in time, Holly ran in and quickly got over to Jack. She sat down on his part of the bed, trying to close up on him.

„Is it okay if I get close to you?" Holly asked carefully, slowly reaching out her hand towards him.
But Jack rapidly backed away, which meant a clear no.

Go away go away it will never go away but it has to at some point I just want this to end go away.

Jack's mind was racing with thoughts.
A race where the winner gets to be the loudest thought of them all. The loudest voice.

It was a strange sight for Alma and Myron to look at. They never saw their brother in this kind of state before.

„Listen. Take some deep breaths. We are here for you. And nobody, or nothing else. Whatever you're afraid of, it's—" Holly tried to talk to him, but Jack interrupted her.

„E-everywhere." he finally said.
It wasn't anything that made their worries go away, but at least he was able to bring out words.

Holly sighed and wanted to say something, but then turned around to the other two children.

„I'm already done making breakfast. You two go downstairs, while I'll stay here with your brother." she said to them, not wanting them to watch this any longer.

Myron and Alma did as Holly said and got up from their bed, walking over to the door.

„Is he going to be okay?" Alma asked worriedly, stopping before she and Myron would get out of the room.

„Yes, he is. I promise." Holly said and smiled at them slightly. „But it could take a few more minutes, so he needs some time."

Alma and Myron nodded at her and left the room, walking down to the kitchen.

„Jack." Holly began to say and the boy turned his head to face her, his eyes were wide open. „What do you want me to do?"

He didn't answer. It was as if he was completely gone.

„Do you need anything? Can I do something for you? Or should I just leave you alone?" she asked. She decided not to close up on him right now, so she stayed where she was.

„N-no!" Jack suddenly responded.

„No?" Holly said. „Do you want me to stay?"

„Y-yes." Jack answered, still shaking.
But now his breathing became more regular, which was a good sign.

Holly's eyes moved from Jack over to the window.
Birds were chirping outside and the sun was shining.
It seemed to be spring, but Jack was sure that it was autumn, when he and his siblings were on their way from their old home in London to Derbyshire.

„Do you hear that? That's the sound of birds chirping. The sound of a new beginning, the sound of hope." Holly said, trying to change the subject.

And it seemed to work. Jack wasn't shaking so much anymore and his whimpering also seemed to quiet down for a bit.

„It's a sign, that everything will be okay." she said again. And Jack nodded.

„Do you need a hug?" Holly asked.
Jack looked at her blankly, but still seemed to know what she meant.

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